My Dream Big Brother All-Stars Houseguests (US Only)

My requirements:

If houseguests have played two or more seasons, you won't make the list

Seasons 8-19 and Over the Top selections only.

If you won Amazing Race or Survivor, you won't be added.
The Top Ten
1 Vanessa Rousso: BB17
2 Kevin Campbell: BB11
3 Renny Martyn: BB10
4 Eric Stein: BB8
5 Vanessa Russo: BB17 Vanessa Ashley Rousso is an American professional poker player. Born in White Plains, New York, Rousso holds dual citizenship with the United States and France.
6 Keesha Smith: BB10
7 Hayden Moss: BB12
8 Zach Rance: BB16
9 Ian Terry: BB14
10 Matt Hoffman: BB12
The Contenders
11 Liz Nolan: BB17
12 Amanda Zuckerman: BB15
13 Danielle Lickey: BBOTT
14 Enzo Palumbo: BB12
15 Derrick Levasseur: BB16
16 Michele Noonan: BB11
17 Andy Herren: BB15
18 Natalie Martinez: BB11
19 Shelby Stockton: BBOTT