Top Ten Things to Throw at Annoying Popular Kids at School

We've all met them at least once... vote and comment on what you'd like to throw at them when you want to deal with them, possibly eradicating them for good.
This list is a joke, so don't take it serioisly and just keep laughing.
The Top Ten
1 Hot water (for girls)

Then watch as their 15 pounds of makeup slide off! How awesome! Then their true pig faces shows and everyone laughs at them.

2 Gaokao paper

The moment they receive this, they realize their death sentences are imminent...

3 The local bully

How to make an insult to ruin their "lives"? A bully would do.

4 Samsung note 7

Popular kid: "Yay new phone! 1"
The next day
The phone exploded, and the kid died for good.

5 A photo of her deleted Facebook, instagram and twitter account
6 Asian teachers

Their emphasis on academics should be more than enough to deal with the diva wrath of both sexes of populars, but I don't think they would like to be thrown. But if they want to, then great! (No racism intended on this entry)

7 An algebra test

"Help me guys! I didn't study at all for Facebook! HELP ME NOW OR ELSE YOU KNOW THE CONSEQUENCES! " The next day he/she failed at the test.

8 Lots and lots of homework

Then we'll see if she can conplete the hill of homework on time and avoid detention...

9 Food

Now dirty clothes and nothing else.

10 Broccoli