Ways Women Are Sometimes Mistreated

The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 Men can sometimes be unsupportive or misunderstanding towards girls on their periods.

If a man actually does that does that to a woman, they (men) better be sorry because:
1. Off course a man doesn't know what kind of pain a woman is experiencing.
2. A woman has the right to act in a very aggressive manner to her man if her does that to her.

2 Tomboys are often called try-hards.
3 It’s perfectly okay for men to get dirty, but when a girl does it, she’s weird.

I love dirty girls

Sexism alert!

4 Some people act like all girls gush about girly stuff like shopping and makeup.
5 Some people act like women can’t do outdoor hands on work.

Even women are better at working outdoors than STUPID, PATHETIC, LAZY MEN!

6 Some people act like girls belong nowhere but in the kitchen.
7 Some people act like women can’t do hands on work.

At least women are better multitasking than men. This is TRUE!

8 Some people act like all girls are horrible drivers.

Women are actually very good drivers.

9 Some people act like all women are weak.

my first girlfriend nearly ended my life repeatedly, she elbowed me in/on my head/face around my jaw nearly snapping my neck

Men thinks that women are weak must be weaker themselves.

10 Some people assume that girls can’t and don’t like “guy stuff”

I know more girls & women that commit & dominate masculine related things