Top 10 Best God Of War Armour Sets

The Top Ten
1 Zeus Set
2 Ivaldi's Deadly Mist + Set
3 Valkyrie + Set
4 Sindri's + Set
5 Ares Set
6 Ivaldi's Cursed Mist + Set
7 Cod of War Set
8 Ivaldi's Endless Mist + Set
9 Traveller + Set
10 Smouldering Brimstone + Set
The Contenders
11 Ivaldi's Deadly Mist Set

Highest level armour set in the game.
Favouring Strenght, Runic, defense and Vitality.
Get the materials from Niflheim's favours.
Find it in the shop.

12 Valkyrie's Set

Exclusive armour set.
Favouring very well-rounded stats.
Get the pieces by slaying all the Valkyries excluding the Queen.

13 Ancients + Set
14 Brok's + Set
15 Fallen Ash + Set 
16 Blazing Magma + Set
17 Tyr's + Set
18 Ivaldi's Cursed Mist Set

Highest armour level in the game.
Highest Runic stat in the game.
Favouring Strenght, Runic and defense.
Get the materials from Niflheim's favours.
Find it in the shop.

19 Ivaldi's Endless Mist Set

Highest armour set level in the game.
Favouring Strenght and defense.
Get the materials by finishing Niflheim's favours.
Find it in the shop.

20 Sindri's Set

Exclusive armour set.
Favouring well-rounded stats, mostly Runic and Cooldowns.
Get it by finishing Brok's and Sindri's favours in Midgard.
Find it in the shop.

21 Smouldering Brimstone Set
22 Arcane Might Set
23 Brok's Set

Exclusive armour set.
Favouting Strenght, defense and some Luck.
Get it by finishing Brok's and Sindri's favours in Midgard.
Find it in the shop.

24 True Warrior Set
25 World Serpent Set

Exclusive armour set.
Favouring Strenght and Runic.
Get the pieces from Tyr's Temple.

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