My Top 10 Least Favorite Catdog Episodes

Theses are the Catdog episodes that in my opinion are the worst episodes of the series, and always if you like these episodes that's fine.
The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 Teeth For Two

Really disgusting episode and its not very uncomfortable to watching Cat and Dog purposely destroying each other's teeth purely out of malice.

Cat turning inside out made me kind of sick - IceBearRules

2 CatDog Doesn't Live Here Anymore

After Catdog gets chased out of town by the Greasers Winslow decides to throw a farewell party in Catdog's honor while inviting the Greasers as they recall stories of how they horribly tortured Catdog over the years as they laugh before realizing they miss them Catdog who returns hears this and announce their return as everyone celebrates their return by carrying them off so the Greasers can pound them a horribly mean spirited episode.

3 Trespassing

Dog is super pissed that someone used his hydrant and marked their territory that he refuses to leave until he returns and Cat is forced against his will by Dog to stay as he misses a very important T.V. program as he gets beaten up by the Greasers and while Winslow invites people to their house to watch T.V. when it catches on fire and Cat is helpless to do anything about it when the fire department show up Dog recognizes the trespasser as the dalmatian who states its his fire hydrant the he and Dog get into it but the dalmatians attacks Cat for no reason as he and the firefighters leave as Catdog's house burns to the ground.

4 Kooky Prank Day

I really hated this episode Cat ends up becoming the butt of everyone's pranks and just the way they carry out many of these pranks are just plain mean and you just feel bad for Cat as everyone continues to laugh at Cat yet we rarely see any of the other citizens prank one another just Cat but at least Cat gets his revenge on them in the end but it still not enough to make up for the episode.

5 Meat Dog's Friends

A horrible finale to the series.

6 The Geekers

Catdog and their loser friends form their own gang the geekers and challenge the Greasers and are easily beaten by them there's really not much to say about it.

7 Curiosity Almost Killed the Cat

Winslow blackmails Cat after he reads Dog's diary and forces Cat to do anything he wants while showing off the video tape as leverage I really don't like Winslow as a character and I especially don't like him in this episode it was satisfying watch Cat lose it and cram him into a VCR but its still a terrible episode.

8 Dog's Strange Condition

After winning a pie eating contest which all had pecans in them Dog starts growing leaves out of his head and starts forming a tree and Cat of course laughs at his condition and wants to exploit dog and turn him into an attraction so people will pay money to see and laugh at him but come show time Dog's condition wears off and Cat tries to feed him some more pecans but instead of Dog having the condition again Cat ends up with and becomes a laughing stock at the show which is satisfying to watch Cat get his concupiscence in the end but still not enough to make up for the episode.

9 Picture This

This episode has a similar premise to the Loud House episode "Making the Case" Dog gets a camera and begins capturing everyone's most embarrassing moments then holds an art gallery at the museum and displays the pictures at first Cat loves laughing at everyone elses embarrassing pictures until he sees the one Dog took of him earlier and gets mad at him what a hypocrite then the other citizens get angry at Dog too for taking picture of them and just when Dog was about to have the pictures taken down the head of the museum actually loves them and wants more photos and the people suddenly stop being mad at Dog and actually want him to take more photos of them which makes for a confusing ending.

10 Freak Show

It's a really boring episode where Catdog take part in a freakshow but nobody is impressed by them and they try everything to get people to notice them but nothing works.