Best Suits in Marvel's Spider-Man

The best suits available to wear in Marvel's Spider-Man for the PlayStation 4. This is purely based on looks. I'll make a separate list on suit powers.
The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 Iron Spider Suit (from Avengers: Infinity War)

The fact that they were able to bring the suit from the movie into the game is just awesome. The suit looks fantastic, with its color schemes and light elements.

Best suit ever

2 Stark Suit (from Spider-Man: Homecoming)

Once again, it's awesome to see them bring something from the MCU into the game. Almost makes you feel like you're Tom Holland himself.

Stark suit is best

3 Last Stand Suit

I'm a fan of this suit. I like the bolder red and black scheme, as well as the look of the leather jacket with jeans. Almost makes him look like a street vigilante.

4 Scarlet Spider II Suit

The skin-tight red and black suit looks awesome in game. The slight glow to the red eyes is also epic.

5 Advanced Suit

The suit that's been seen in all the game's promotional material. A modern spin on the classic suit. The white symbols and accents on it just look so good.

6 Dark Suit (aka Black Widow suit)

It jut looks so awesome. Arguably the most befitting of the name. The red symbol and eyes pop so much, and it just looks badass.

7 Stealth Suit (aka Big Time suit)

The name is fitting. Much more stealthy looking than other suits. The bright green symbol and eyes are awesome to look at.

8 Velocity Suit

A bulkier suit than some of the others in the game, but still looks great. Almost looks like an alternate version of the Infinity War suit.

9 Spirit Spider (aka Ghost Spider)

A really cool looking suit, although it doesn't really fit with Spidey's personality.

10 Spider-Armor  Mark I

The classic spider-armor. They did a really good job with it. The armor doesn't look too goofy, and the way everything reflects off of the chrome armor just looks cool.