Logos You Thought Were Scary

Sometimes we all afraid of these logos, but we can get over it
The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 V Of Doom

Let's face it, the odd fanfare and strange looking V zooming right towards you can be quite irritating, but as the maturity evolves, you will think that's a harmless. Viacom now is pretty calm about the logo (not the copyright issues).

2 S from Hell

Halloweenish theme (also used for NET logo from 1968-1970, but in different, tamer part) could frighten kids in its time, but hey, it's not that bad for today standards.

3 BND Mask

This is actually a death mask for Guo Xiang, a Taoist philosopher, with toad without it's fourth leg. The museum at Moscow didn't let Vladislav Listev (got shot and died in 1995) to take a picture of I, so he decided to make a computer generated image of this mask. But in 2017, when it became VIDigital, it was changed to become tamer version. It looks quite frightening at its time. There's a fan variant, where it starts with V of Doom, ending with a mask zooming in and smashed the screen (BND of Doom), which can actually scare you, since you were expecting V of Doom to end.

Mr BND really likes staring at you!

4 THX Deep Note

The classic thanks's deep note, giving us a chill, since it's loud.

THANK GOD there's no such thing as the DEEPER note

Better check a Disney DVD.

Or a pixar dvd

5 3-G Home Video

The loudest logo ever, might make your ears bleed.

6 Team Happy Rainbow Panda Bears

This one will surely be hated by PETA, since it contains mutilated panda. It kinda reminds me of Happy Tree Friends, such they both have mutilating animals and gore. Gore fans might defiantly love this, including Ares, the Greek god of war

Me: What could be so scary about-
*sees description*

Should I look this up? Cause Happy Gore Friends is horyifying - Stakamkataka

7 PlayStation 1 - Personified Fear

Even Fearful Harmony is not bad as this. As a person, who is afraid of black screens, this might actually give me chills. But I am still conquering that fear, so I would be fine with this as soon as I'm not afraid of black screens anymore. Even if you are familiar with it, it will throw chills down your spine, because you might expect a jumpscare, but thankfully, this is just a dream. This is still the scariest error, even worse than BSOD from Windows.

Yeah, I likely had nightmares about this, since I once owned a PS1 when I was a kid. ;-;

8 Vivian (Oz films)

This might chill down your spine, but like BND Mask, S from Hell and V of Doom, it's not that bad for today standards.

Oz Films is very scary. It gave me nightmares.

9 Horror Factory (France)

Like Personified Fear, the fanmade BND of Doom and Team Happy Rainbow Panda Bears, this will actually scare you.

The first time I watched it, I was traumatised! but now I can handle It

10 Ear Booker Productions

This is the worst part. Saving the worst for last is sometimes a good idea. This will give epileptic people seizures, it is actually dangerous, along with 3-G Home Video. Compared to most of the others, they're tame. I wonder why Weird A.I Yankovic approved it?
NOTE: Bite Me is a jump scare track used in this video. The track itself was made in order to scare listeners if they have forgotten to eject the CD disc.