Best Ways to Grab Attention/Prove Yourself at a New School

The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 dress elegantly

A magical way that always works, Teens are always grabbed by the looks

Lol, I needed this list.

2 engage with the popular personalities

If u succeed in getting attached to the popular dudes /chicks all your work is done. The school is yours.

3 strike on the school's princess
4 Join the basketball/Soccer team

Athletes are usually the school celebrities and strongly regarded by girls

5 get a hair style no one else has

A method of saying : Hey look I'm right here if u don't notice

6 Avoid Silence

Silence kills all your chances at school and leads to two scenarios ; Either u being a loner or the one who gets bullied.

7 Be nice to everyone(Even the bullies)

People can't exchange "nice" except for A "nice"

8 Play Guitar
9 get high grades
10 Beat up the school's bully

I guarantee u this would work lol