All LGBTQ Identities I Identify With

Hate me if you want. I don't care if you think I'm ridiculous, a SJW, or whatever. But I'm done with hiding. This is what I identify with. Deal with it. If you have any (non rude) questions, however, you can message me and I'll try to clarify as best as I can.
The Top Ten
1 Transmasculine

Lets start with one that's not as controversial: being transmasculine. I was assigned female at birth, however, I identify closer to being male than female. (I'm not male either though.) And yes, when I'm older, I plan to get top/bottom surgery and start HRT.

2 Enbyflux

Now we're getting into more controversial territory. Enbyflux is basically being genderfluid, but only shifting through non binary genders, so I never feel binary male or female. I call myself Ezra when feeling netural, and Lewis when I'm feeling masculine. (I don't have a feminine name, more on that in a second.) However, I am rethinking about those names and I might change one or both of them, or drop one.

3 Genderfaun

Remember when I said I don't have a feminine name? Well, here's why. A genderfaun is someone who's genderfluid, but never feels female/feminine aligned genders.

4 Enbian

Let's get into sexuality now. A enbian is someone who is non binary (again, not binary male or female.) that is only sexually attracted to other non binary people.

5 Cupiosexual

Someone who's cupiosexual is someone who doesn't have any actual sexual desire, but desires a sexual relationship. Since I only desire a sexual relationship with non binary people, that makes me cupiosexual and enbian.

6 Omniromantic

Someone who's omniromantic is romantically attracted to all genders, however they aren't genderblind and have a preference. My order of preference is non binary people, girls, and guys. (However, I'm rarely romantically attracted to guys - again, more on that later.)

7 Pan-aesthetic

Let's go into the lesser known sexualities. Aesthetic attraction is when someone basically thinks "this person is really really hot - but I wouldn't have sex with them." I'm aesthetically attracted to all genders, and I'm genderblind here, thus, making me pan-aesthetic.

8 Andro-Alterous

Alterous attraction is a mix of romantic and platonic attraction, but not exactly being either of them. I'm andro-alterous because I'm exclusively alterously attracted to men.
Also, random fun fact: if you're alterously attracted to someone, you have a mesh on them. Mesh is the equivalent of crush.

9 Polyamorous

This isn't really a sexuality or a gender, but I need 2 more items and apperently this is included in the LGBT community. Polyamory is when you desire a relationship (doesn't have to necessarily be sexual) with multiple people at a time, with everyone's consent. I don't have a problem with non polyamory though.

10 Transgender

This is to the surprise of no one. You aren't assigned enbyflux at birth, to my disappointment.