Top 10 Worst Things that Hank Hill Has Done on King of the Hill

Hank Hill may be a good guy and the voice of reason in many situations but ever so often Hank has done some very questionable things for this list we will be counting down the top worst things that Hank Hill has done on the show.
The Top Ten
1 Took Advantage of Khan's Bio-Polar Disorder - Just Another Manic Khan-Day

I wounder if Hank would get the same treatment as Khan if he has that Disorder!

2 Forced Bobby to Smoke an Entire Carton of Cigarettes - Keeping Up with Our Joneses

This definitely was the punishment that seemed more like a Peter Griffin punishment than a Hank Hill punishment.

3 Felt Ashamed of Bobby When He Refused to Take a Beating as Part of a School Tradition - What Makes Bobby Run

I would go with this one, as I definitely wouldn't want to get beaten up by that football team. I don't blame Bobby for running

4 Refused to Hire a Woman and Instead Unknowingly Hired a Drug Addict - Junkie Business

Hank was acting so sexist in this episode ( which is very out of character for him).

5 Stole Dale's Mower - Dog Dale Afternoon
6 Caused Bill to Have a Mental Breakdown - Pretty, Pretty Dresses
7 Forced Luanne to Move Back to Her Trailer During a Tornado - Texas City Twister
8 Blamed Bobby for His Truck Getting Destroyed - Chasing Bobby
9 Forced Bill to Be Roommates with Carl Moss - Bill Gather's Moss
10 Neglected to Buy Luanne a Plane Ticket - Happy Hank's Giving
The Contenders
11 Joined Bobby's Protest to Cover Up What Happened to Boomhauer's Car - It's Not Easy Being Green
12 Was Biased Towards His New Neighbors Because They are Canadian - Uh oh, Canada

Throughout the episode Hank shows a lot of hostility towards the new Canadian family who are staying at Boomhauer's as including always referring them as "The Canadian's".

The Canadians were very rude to be fair!

13 Blamed The Fire at the Firehouse on Chet Elderson - A Fire Fighting We Will Go
14 Forced Bobby to Marry Luanne - The Wedding of Bobby Hill
15 Made Bobby Live in a Doghouse - Hank's Choice
16 Blackmailed Reverend Stroup into Getting His Seat at Church - Church Hopping
17 Made The Charcoal Ultimatum - Hank and the Great Glass Elevator
18 Trapped Peggy in a Crate - "Sleight of Hank"

Hank Rutherford Hill doesn't like magic or magicians. After going through a lot of theories, he traps Peggy in a crate, until she reveals the secret. In the end, he lets her out. Lest they be late for church.

19 Cut Off Dale's Finger with a Circular Saw - The Texas Skilsaw Massacre
20 Said Oil Was Better Than Propane - Life: A Loser's Manual
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