Top Ten Alternatives to Secret Agent Laser Obstacle Chess

Secret Agent Laser Obstacle Chess was played in one episode of The Big Bang Theory, and then the plain stupid Secret Agent Laser Obstacle Lunch. But what would this extra gameplay feature introduce to other activities? Let's see...
The Top Ten
1 Secret Agent Laser Obstacle Dodgeball

I am the best at dodgeball. Mostly because I never throw the balls and I just stand near the back using others as shields. It still works, though. I'd be amazing at secret agent laser obstacle chess.

I play this whenever I get bored of Secret Agent Laser Obstacle Chess.

2 Secret Agent Laser Obstacle Sex
3 Secret Agent Laser Obstacle Cooking
4 Secret Agent Laser Obstacle Helicopter Piloting
5 Secret Agent Laser Obstacle Waltz
6 Secret Agent Laser Obstacle Open Heart Surgery
7 Secret Agent Laser Obstacle Paintball

This sounds awesome

8 Secret Agent Laser Obstacle Condom Challenge
9 Secret Agent Laser Obstacle Skydiving
10 Secret Agent Laser Obstacle Three-Person Chess

That's what's missing from Sheldon's version of chess.

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