Top Ten Amazing Turtle Species

The names of these turtles will tell you almost everything. Enjoy!
The Top Ten
1 Red Bellied Short-Necked Turtle
2 African Helmeted Turtle
3 Pig Nosed Turtle
4 Big Headed Turtle
5 Black Knobbed Map Turtle
6 Eastern Long Necked Turtle
7 Spiny Soft-Shell Turtle
8 Murray River Turtle
9 Chinese Soft Shelled Turtles
10 Red-eared Slider

I have two of them and they are so small and cute.

The Contenders
11 Spiny Turtle
12 Olive Ridley

These are really beautiful turtles(I have one as a pet..."rescued" it from being eaten)and are pretty India they only lay eggs on the western Konkan coast next to goa and Kerala and now they are slowly becoming extinct due to the pollution

13 Bog Turtle

Honestly, these are the best turtles out there. There is a critically endangered species, which is why zoos such as the Bronx, have taken up the task to breed them in captivity. They are also ridiculously cute!

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