Top Ten Anagrams of Scientific Principles

The Top Ten
1 Scratched Groins (Schrodinger's Cat)

They may be scratched. They may be in a superposition but I wouldn't like to have to collapse this wave function.

WildHawk is being wild again... ! What can we do with this witty pup from UK? You and your mischievous anagrams! : )

I admire the Schrödinger's experiment. And a lovely ;-) anagram for this wonderful thought experiment principle.
And thanks for making this list Positron!

2 A Quenched Groins Riot (Schrodinger Equation)

This disturbs me somewhat. Have no idea why...

Schrodinger wouldn't want this in his work.

3 Earlobe Quilt Union (Bernoulli Equation)
4 Managed Any Firm (Feynman Diagram)
5 Quanta of Mum (Quantum Foam)

So basically quanta of mum are on the frontier of unifying quantum gravity.

6 A Tricycle Intern Pinup (Uncertainty Principle)
7 Spruced Crouton (Superconductor)
8 Once a Bite Edits Nonsense (Bose-Einstein Condensate)
9 Bath Films (Lamb Shift)
10 Quantum Rectum Op (Quantum Computer)
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