Top Ten Best Smiling Friends Characters

Now that the great Season 2 of Smiling Friends has recently come to a close, I figured I would make a new list covering my absolute favorite characters from the series.

One thing I'd like to mention is that this is just my personal opinion regarding which characters made the list and how high I ranked them. However, I made this list community-based, so you can add new characters, remix the list, and so on and so forth.

Enjoy taking a look at the list. It'll definitely make you SMIIIIIIILE.
The Top Ten
1 Charlie Dompler
2 Mr. Boss
3 Pim Pimling
4 Mr. Frog
5 G'Wimbly
6 Alan Red
7 Shrimp
8 Rotten the Snowman
9 James
10 DJ Spit
The Contenders
11 Glep
12 Professor Psychotic
13 Satan
14 Mr. Landlord
15 Desmond
16 3D Squelton
17 Mip
18 Jennifer
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