Top Ten Most Annoying Sounding Languages

I'm counting down the most irritating, annoying sounding languages.
The Top Ten
1 Chinese

Even if I speak English at home to my mum, I had to learn Chinese as a second language when I was a child because I had to go to school in China, the horribly arrogant "Central Kingdom" where I was born. Their language is vulgar and full of swearing F words, and it is so intolerable that they can swear rivers of tears out of your eyes, from where you can feel your soul painfully demised. The sort of anguish is ever-lasting and has caused chronological trauma to my overall mental well-being. The richness of their swear words was beyond imaginable. How have they accumulated such a richness of F words? Also, they make a lot of open racist comments in their everyday language. I am a British, and I know this by heart because I would always get called an island barbarian and be instructed by my Chinese schoolmates to go back to my barbaric islands throughout the 12 years of schooling over there. I never realised it was racism until I encountered such poor racist treatments outside of school ...more

I totally agree! I speak Chinese as my first language and I think it sounds terrible! So many of the sounds are so short, and it was so hard. When I think in Chinese, I always imagine a female Chinese voice saying : nin hao in that really "trying to be prestigious but failing" tone

There are more than 10 different types of spoken chinese.
The fact that you comment on one collective chinese language shows you have not heard them all or can even differentiate among them. They can sound drastically different. I agree that some are more annoying than others.

Yep so annoying when I hear the language I just want to die right there and then or just slap them I'm mean I have a lot of Chinese friends but man does there language Suck

2 Italian

Most annoying and horrible language, old fashioned. Italians cannot speak without gesticulating, even when they are driving.

And for improving the intellectual level of Italian, Italian is NOT the most direct evolution of Latin, it's the Romanian (from Romania).
Italian is not a pure living language, it's dying because there is no evolution.
I just can't stand this pompous sound. It's some kind of caricature of art. I only hate Spanish and English more.
Italians do not speak, they yell.
Their language is like their country dirty and old fashioned, look all rednecks when speaking such language.
We never know if they are talking or farting.
I guess farting even the smelling is there...
Italian is not a language, just an ersatz of o dead Latin.

For sure, it's the most annoying, boring, noisy, twangy language. Try to listen Italian radio in Italy, looks so outdated, totally depressing.

3 Latin

Dead language, so annoying.

Come on, it's gorgeous!

4 Spanish

Annoying for sure, but in the beginning you progress quickly not realising how annoying it is and then once you realise all the dialects, slang and speed variations you will then begin to be demotivated.

Its very hard to learn and it's extremely irritating, it's so quick and annoys the hell out of people. I apologize if I offended any Spanish speakers

Very annoying, very fast, especially when they shout and that is almost all the time.

Spanish is a very good language, if don't think so, that's your opinion.

5 Slovak

Sounds weird

6 Korean

It sounds very confusing and annoying, it's hard to understand and that places it at number 5 on the list.

Korean is like what they called 'pasta' lol... just vomit. Italian is the best one, like our REAL PASTA!

They sound very loud and seriously what's with all those whinning?

No korean is not annoying at all

7 Latvian

It makes no sense, it's super hard to understand and sounds very confusing, I understand why this is so rarely spoken.

8 Japanese

It's almost as hard to learn as Chinese and it is impossible to understand anything they are saying.

9 Arabic

Sounds terrible: only language where you have to speak with your throat

Yeah Arabic too much A sounds in it. and there are three letters for it,

Does not sound cool, sorry Arab fellows

Classical Arabic is HOT!

10 French

It sounds ok, but it's very hard to learn and it's perceived as "the language of love", but it's kinda ugly and I don't think I'd let someone making those noises kiss me or do anything like that. No offense to French speakers though

Overrated Language. I find Latin and Finnish prettier.

The Contenders
11 Polish

It's weird but pretty

12 Bulgarian

It's very confusing, like Russian and they always sound angry when speaking it.

13 English

How the hell does tough rhyme with dandruff? After that, I do understand why people don't like this language. (I speak English by the way)

"The English Language can be learned through tough thorough thought"
Seriously it's horrible. Tough rhymes with Dandruff but not with Through.

Seriously? English is the easiest language to speak and learn.

Pretty useful language but Screw the English writing system

14 Portuguese

Ahaha I love how annoying this language is! especially the Brazilian Portuguese. Because I have two Brazilian Girls in my class and they are always screaming and speaking loudly and they seem like they are fighting lol, but actually they are just joking around or something I dunno. it actually is really funny and annoying.

No disrespect to the people who speak it but it is hard to understand and sounds very irritating.

This language irritates me a lot by way how it sounds.
It is something as any old man without teeth eats a soup and speaks together...
Too much soft words, lot of "sh.. ", "ny.. ", "jy" and so on. Spanish is on similar base but sounds normal.

15 Esperanto
16 Hungarian

Hungarian sounds like a constipated pig singing with sausages in its mouth.

17 Swedish

It just sound weird to me... Sorry Sweden :/

18 German

It's so guttural.

19 Old English

It's so stupid, I find it extremely hard to believe people back then spoke like this, its impossible to understand.

20 Vietnamese

So noisy and irritating

Just irritating

21 Russian

It's hard to learn and sounds very confusing, but it doesn't sound too annoying so it is only 9th in my countdown.

Who the heck put Russian on this list

22 Cantonese
23 Filipino
24 Yiddish
25 Albanian
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