Most Annoying Things About Back to School Commercials

I remember how back to school commecails drove me nuts back when i was in school
The Top Ten
1 They start playing too early

I once saw a back to school commercial in June 2019. I wish I was kidding.

But yeah, it's still annoying how they always play them in the middle of July even though I don't start school until late August.

They so do I saw one on july 17 2019 it was so disappointing I started school sept 3 2019, why so early

They always do I remember seeing some in july 2013 and it was too early

2 They always feature "back to school"

Yeah it does it super annoying that they always feature back to school

3 They are also YouTube ads
4 They keep playing after school starts

Why do they keep playing these ads in September after I've already started a new grade?

5 They make you nervous for school

They always did when I was in school, it made me nervous about the new students and bullies that might be in my class

6 They make you think about school

Worst feeling I think I ever felt.

7 They make you feel like summer is almost over
8 They keep repeating

They repeated a few back to school commerical on youtube a few times, I saw them so many times, it drove me nuts! And it made me feel like summer was almost over

This happend to me for few days it drove me nuts I probably saw the same joe fresh ad over 100 times

9 They play every commercial break

They do and it is super annoying that they play every commercial break

10 They play too much in summer

Yes they do they drove me crazy all summer of 2019 since they started

The Contenders
11 They play on the radio

They do if I was listening to the radio I would probably hear them

12 They play the most Wonderful Time of the Year song on staples commercials

This is an annoying song wonder why they play a Christmas song in a back to school commercial

13 They have annoying songs
14 They feel like they're making fun of you

They might as well point and laugh while saying "haha, you have to go back to school".

That is true it feels like they are making fun of you since school is starting soon

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