Most Annoying Things About Cousins

Please vent about how horrible your stupid irritating cousins are.
The Top Ten
1 They want your stuff

I had a cousin she always wanted my stuff and screamed when she could not get it.

Get your own stuff.

2 They are bullies

I am glad I do not have cousins like these, most of my cousins are mature and don't act mean. We just talk and laugh.

One of my maternal cousins keep bragging about how he is better than everyone. He also insulted me.

My cousin is a barbie fan and she is mean to anyone who hates barbie.

I have one that beats me up all the time for no reason

3 Your parents love them more

My parents think I'm a troublemaker while my cousins are sweet angels. But it's fine. My aunt/uncle preferred me over them.

One time one of my cousins was acting like a spoilt brat and MY MOM APPROVED IT

So do the rest of my relatives!

4 They steal things and take them home

True. One of mine took my toy and broke it, and she got away with it. I told her mom but she acted like it was okay for her to take it. Hate them so much.

5 They treat you like slaves

They are lazy they just sit on their butts all day and when they went water they force me to get them for them and when they ate dinner years ago I had to spoon-fedd them. THANK GOODNESS THOSE DAYS ARE OVER!

We are our own person. We have our own rights.

6 They blame things on you

Even though it is literally their fault. They would complain it to my parents.

7 They force opinions on you

My Barbie fan cousin always sings her Barbie songs...

8 They want your room

My older cousin who’s 23,always takes my room locks it then when I try to go in she makes me close it- then when she does something bad to my stuff they blame me for it like I-

It's my room, my stuff. Get the hell over it.

9 They cry

2 of my younger cousins are prone to throwing tantrums OVER ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING!

Oh no, the wail of my annoying little cousin when he doesn't get what he wants, I hate it.

Especially my 7 years old cousin. Crying and screaming over the smallest thing.

10 You have to see them during the holidays

I hate holidays so much that I have been through the same thing over and over

I will make an excuse not to look after them

The Contenders
11 They beat you up

I have a younger cousin that beats up two of my brothers and clearly I have no idea

12 They do inappropriate stuff

My cousin slaps my butt and and touch me in inappropriate p laces please don't bully me if I liked it by accident, I'm a girl by the way

13 They are spoiled brats

Indeed. My cousin's family is pretty rich and she always get whatever she want. Also, my cousin can't even spend a single second without complaining about the smallest things. When she wants something like an Iphone 14, she would politely begged her parents for one. She would pretend to be an angel in front of the adults but treat me and my siblings like dirt.

14 They act innocent even when they did something wrong
15 They act immature

I despise immature people, example: manchilds. And my main cousin, Keana. And she's in what? Grade 5? Yes but she acts like she's still in grade 2. I look on her tablet and she has cringe-worthy games on there. Embarrassing.

I was watching Hell Girl episode 2 and my cousin came in and he was like "WHAT THE HECK IS THAT? ". Technically, the series I was watching was a horror anime (this comment was made on 11/8/16)-Vestalis

16 They fight with you

If you play Tom Perry in front of my cousin. Good luck. Mine out me in a choke hold because I played his song. He always likes to break my stuff.

They fight with you and your mums like stop doing that to your poor cousin and takes them to the kitchen to get ice cream to make them feel better ( not )

17 Relatives like them more than you

They scold me for wanting to be alone he gets away with throwing rocks at me

18 They destroy stuff

When I was like 6, I was at Atlanta building a tower with Mega Blocks. And my younger cousin ran in and destroyed it! I got so mad at her and cried and yelled at her. And my dad scolded me for it. It was unfair! She annoyed me at many family gatherings. But thank god she's more mature and doesn't annoy me anymore now. We get along more now.

19 They tease you

I got so pissed by my little cousin I slapped him in the face so he could shut up.

Tell me about it, when I was a kid it was really bad.

20 They hit you with toys
21 They get all the attention

Even at my birthdays

22 Their birthdays are more awesome than yours

They get birthday parties almost every year while I only had TWO IN MY ENTIRE LIFE

I have never had a birthday party, but they have one every year.

23 They tattle on you

I know I have little annoying cousins that bug me off all the time like they got nothing else to do

24 They get treated like babies and toddlers despite them being school-aged

My relatives always speak to them in baby talk. So annoying!

25 They mostly give you presents you didn’t ask for

Once my mom was babysitting my cousins and when I came home from school that day I found the house had a lovely strong scent of vomit everywhere. I’m not sure who was the culprit, but I’m convinced that it was 1 of my cousins.

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