Top 10 Annoying Things About Dogs

I know I might get a lot of hate about this list but here are 10 annoying things about dogs,
The Top Ten
1 You have to walk them

This whole list is just a joke. Dogs need to be walked for them to be healthy because they seem a lot more active than cats do.
Dogs have a bigger stomach and require more food.
Dogs bark because of their breed, personality, or because of the owner.
Dogs may bite because their aggressive behavior has not been changed because of their owner.
Dogs will poop or pee in your house if you don't train them. but what do cats do? Poop and pee in your house too. You don't have to take a dog for a walk for them to use the bathroom, walks are for exercise.
Dogs may not like cats because they haven't been introduced to cats at a young age.
Most dogs only chase things because they haven't been walked enough or trained and their curiosity is still out there.
A LOT OF DOGS ACT LIKE THIS only because their idiot owners can't teach them what's wrong and what's right, what to do, and what not to do.
Dogs need attention to be good dogs. It may seem like they want CONSTANT ...more

When you have a dog it is more expensive, you have to train them, some can't be left alone for long periods of time, when they're dirty u have to bath them, and they're more likely to roll in mud than a cat. Maybe. That is why I am a cat person

Okay you are probably those owners that think all dogs are bad just because of one flaw. And most of your facts are either scientifically untrue or your own opinions.

You guys who voted for this one know that when you adopt a dog you know its about taking care of them and that includs walking them but there are annoying thing s about them

2 They might bark a lot

My beagle howls every time she wants to go on the couch she howls for taking your spot and you have to move! she can be annoying sometimes

One of my aunts has a dog that constantly barked at me. One of my cousins and I do not like that dog

Um that's what they do if something bad happens like if a robber comes to your house for example.

They bark only for a reason.If they see a criminal invading your house they will bark.You will get alerted.also if there is a fire in your house.THINK people THINK

3 They eat a lot

DUH! All animals need food.Some owners don't feed their dogs properly which will cause dogs to grow a huge appetite.CAN YOU BLAME DOGS FOR EATING? NO

4 Some of them bite

This is why my relatives constantly avoid them whenever we encounter them in public

Then maybe you must be a stranger petting them,or hurting them,or trying to kill them or they know you are a criminal

I'm a cat person, but even I have to say that cats bite too.

5 They will poop or pee in your house unless you take them for a walk

When I get a dog I will train it to use the human toilet

That's so false because you can give them pee pads

They don't know better.

6 Some of them don't like cats

I hate dogs that can't be trained to at least tolerate cats. Cats who don't like dogs don't maul dogs, but that can't be true in reverse.

Its rude that they just chase them around and make them seem lame

And some cats don't like dogs.

Helloo?! That is their nature.You cannot change that

7 Some of them chase things like cars or squirrels

Poor squirrels

8 Some act like the world revolves around them

I'd say YOU act like the world revolves around YOU.

I agree, because Dog's save lives!

9 Some constantly want attention

Obviously,but wouldn't you want attention if you were ignored?!?!

Some people may want attention, too.

10 Bark constantly when there is nothing

I know they bark to alert you of something but sometimes there's nothing and constsnly bark like they want to annoy you

Probably just a small bug you didn't notice.

The Contenders
11 Some are drama queens
12 Pottytraining

I will get a Shiba 1 day. I heard they're super easy to train. I bet I can teach it to use the human toilet in less than 2 weeks!

It's kinda anoiying when your dog pee's and poops in the house for 2 weeks...That's why I even added this on the list...

13 Some drink out of the toilet

The reason they do this is because water stays cooler in a toilet than it does in a dog's water bowl.

No one wants to hear a dog slurping in a toilet at 3:00 in the morning that's disgusting.

They think it's a huge water bowl for them to drink inside.

Honestly, my cat used to do that

14 They chew all your stuff up
15 When they bark at everyone walking by outside
16 They care about food too much
17 They shed hair

Cats shed and cough up hair balls. Gross! You just need to pick it up with something. And throw it away. And besides, not all dogs shed. Hypoallergenic dogs don't.

So? I wonder the person who desingned this know about dogs because a lot of dogs don't shed at all and HUMAN shed hair too. Cats even shed for so stop being ungrateful

18 It takes forever for them to do their business.
19 You have to pick up their poop
20 They don't listen
21 They throw tantrums
22 Some drool and slobber

True that is why I hate that saying dogs rule cats drool, dogs literally drool!

They can do that if they want.

23 They eat their poop

No, only some do

24 When you take them for a walk and see another dog and bark or sniff each other constantly

SO? Like you meet a human and you talk to them or PLAY with them... You really need to learn more bout dogs

25 They steal your food when you walk away
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