Most Annoying Things in ARMS for the Nintendo Switch

Don't get me wrong, I love this game, but there are quite a few annoying things that are worth making a Top Ten list about.
The Top Ten
1 Twintelle constantly freezing time
2 Kid Cobra and Ninjara Mains, who do nothing but dash and spam grabs
3 The pole holding you and your teammate together in 2v2 fights
4 Your 2 opponents teaming up on you in a 1v1v1 fight
5 An opponent trying to avoid a fight in a 1v1v1 match
6 Kid Cobra is way too predictable in ranked fights
7 Some fists make the matches unfair
8 Copycats
9 1v1v1 and 2v2 fights are too chaotic
10 People who abuse their character's special ability
The Contenders
11 It’s impossible to find a Ranked Match without somebody using an unfair character/fist combination
12 Springtron Spammers
13 Ninjara
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