Top Ten Most Annoying Things In Gaming

The Top Ten
1 Loading Screens

They take forever... Come on... Load. you stupid game LOAD FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

They take so long! Hurry up! I wanna play my new game that a spent 50$ to get!

2 Invisible Walls

They take the fun outta everything!

3 Playing Call of Duty Online

You just hear a little kid screaming and cursing at times. And that is another reason why I don't play Call of Duty.

There's so many rude kids playing this game! I hate Call of Duty!

This should be illegal because they are annoying

4 Crashes
5 Tank Controls

Can't move left or right good. I'm looking at YOU game I am not even gonna say out loud.

6 Flying Through Rings

Super Man 64... You are the reason why flying through rings in any game is not fun anymore. Not ever again.

7 Sprite Flickering

This stuff mostly happens in 8-bit games but they are really annoying... Mostly in Ghost n' Gobilins.

8 Push Backs

Remember in Castlevannia that every time you get hit, you get pushed back so far that you die in a hazard? Annoying was it?

9 Loose Camera
10 Unskippable Cutscenes

Oh no I died and now I have to watch these stupid cutscenes all over again. Why can't I skip them darn it?!

The Contenders
11 You Must Construct Additional Pylons
12 Pay-To-Win Features
13 Lag

When you're about to shoot your opponent perfectly then suddenly a lag acquired and instead you're the ones that has been killed so annoying!

14 Other Players Interfering
15 Nerd Gamers
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