Top Ten Most Annoying Things Girlfriends Do

Based on my own personal experiences. Add your own if you want.
The Top Ten
1 Force you to talk on the phone

This would be messed up. If I get a boyfriend, I wouldn't force him to talk to me. I hope he wouldn't do the same to me

No way, I always feel happy when she calls me even when I'm doing something important.

This is exactly why I don't have a plan to date any time soon.

2 Go on and on about stuff you don't care about

If you were really her boyfriend, you would care about what she was saying. If she has concerns or problems, you need to be there for her. If she wants one talk to you and you're free, don't complain. You'd want the same thing, so do that for her

My ears are always perked up whenever she speaks to me. I just love the sight of watching her talk endlessly with me just sitting quietly.

If you don't care about her problems then go find some mindless bimbo then.

3 Try to get you to go to concerts for artists you don't like

If I had a boyfriend and he did this to me I would break up with him. And yes I hate country music.

Yes, once we went together to a concert on her request. We had the best time of our life.

There's no way I'd ever do this to my boyfriend. I don't like Justin Bieber and I don't go to concerts

4 Force you to sit on her couch and watch her sing songs into a hairbrush

Whoever added this on the list might be bringing up a personal experience of his own...

This is so random that I bet the creator of this list had it happen to them.

This might actually be very amusing. X D

5 Cry if you don't say hi to her

In my case, I wouldn't do this. If they're tired or busy, then that's fine. It would probably be me the one wanting to say hi first

Don't you mean the other way? She'd probably rather talk to someone else other than you.

I always try my best to make her keep grinning. She has a heart melting smile.

6 Take your virginity, tell you that she loves you, then break up with you

Get married to the person first, don't take their virginity before marriage. It's a bad idea to do this when you're not sure if you'll break up with the person or not. Be ready for commitment first, not virginity

Still a better love story than twilight.

I'm sorry. I had to.

That's what you get when you decide to go ahead and have sex at 14.

7 Try to make out with you in front of coworkers

In my case, I'd feel awkward kissing in front of other people. It's just something that makes me uncomfortable and probably makes others uncomfortable too

As a best friend of someone with this experience, I managed to save his sorry ass and have a..."talk" with that crazy wench.

8 Try to get your attention and throw a tantrum if you don't give it

If she has a problem and needs your attention, then that's the boyfriend's fault. If she's doing it to be annoying and clingy, then she needs to give you some space

A girl wants a man to listen, if he doesn't want to listen to her; she could surely find some other guy that will.

9 Ask you out of nowhere to marry her

This is one of the biggest problems about romantic relationships. One of them (mainly guys obviously) always propose to the other in surprise. I mean, there are even compilations on YouTube about boys getting dumped on their surprise proposals to their girlfriends! Talk about it first, never do surprises. Also, don't do it in public in front of strangers. It puts the person under lots of pressure to say yes, which is very messed up. It also makes the guy seem like he's too desperate, so he uses the crowd to pressure the girl to say yes. Guys, never do this without permission. Talk to your girls about marriage first, then do a surprise if they're okay with it

10 Complain about how fat she is

That is very annoying. They should be proud and happy with themselves for who they are. No man would want to date a girlfriend like that (I'm not being rude or anything like that).

This is annoying only because it's not true!

The Contenders
11 Force you to watch movies you won't like

If I had a boyfriend and he made me watch this disgusting abomination that some people actually like for some reason I would break up with him. Nobody makes me watch this trash!

Twilight? How about a real movie like Star Wars, Lord of The Rings or Planet of the Apes?

12 Not let you watch porn
13 Make you listen to music you don't like

This is not a torture I mean she is amazing singer my favourite

14 Talk about her ex

my roblox ex was looking for me in blox paradise while I was dating a 13 year old girl, well, she's not my girlfriend and having a perverted gf sucks. those girls I try to date are creepy and wanted to see my genitals, they are quite boring and being forced into doing the dirty with them all day and all night on roblox is a waste of time.

Women are such a hypocrite. They don't want to hear their new boyfriend's exes and they are doing the same thing themselves.

15 Dump you

That's why I don't have a girlfriend yet. I'm afraid that she will dump me.

16 Cheat on you
17 Nag you over everything
18 Be mean to your friends
19 Accuse you of cheating
20 Talk during sex
21 Only notice when you want sex

After 1 month of back rubs, emotional support, and being a good boyfriend in general as soon as you bring up sex. "All you ever think about is sex! What's wrong with you?! "

22 Brag about you to her friends
23 Call you embarrassing nicknames
24 Be overly possessive
25 Tell her friends to back off

This shows that a woman cares about her boyfriend way more than a man caring about his girlfriend.

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