Most Annoying Things on a School Bus

Do you ride on the bus to get to school? If so what are the most annoying things you have experienced when catching a ride on your school bus?
The Top Ten
1 Bullies

I was severely bullied on the bus in high school. This was on a bus full of SPECIAL ED KIDS. They taunted me, I told them to stop, the bus driver yelled at me and made me cry, then she took her phone out and videoed it. I told her to stop and to delete the video and she refused to. I told my parents and they were furious and they went to school to complain and everyone got lectured by he principal.

2 Bus drivers who yell at you for no reason

I was on a long field trip once with this absolute nut job driver. It was a long trip into the Rocky Mountains. Once we boarded the bus I knew it would be bad when the driver we had was just screaming like a banshee MAKE ROOM AND SIT DOWN AND KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOUR SELVES. Anyways she screamed at us the whole way and we got stuck in a snow storm and they shut down I-70 and we had to pull into this truck stop for a whole night. Oh my gosh it was miserable we got back out the next day with a handful of other vehicles in the worst conditions. Just blowing the bus all over the road, huge snow drifts covering the whole bus, and about crashed a number of times. I had to listen to this lady just scream and cuss us out the entire time and she took her stress out on us. I talked to someone who said they have that driver (bless his heart) and he said "oh yes she's always like that". I was like what? My district is Notorious for mean and crazy drivers. I will keep that story short but it was a ...more

And the aides, too!

That is annoying when that happened my grade 4 and 10 bus drivers did this sometimes

3 People who tease you for sitting next to someone of the opposite gender
4 Filthy seats

They often have gum or a gross unidentifiable object on the seats.

5 Screaming kids

O gosh yes. This reminds me of how on a field trip we had to go on this tall, scary bridge, and I thought one of the "acter-ups" would scream. So then my paranoid mind thought we were gonna fall off the bridge and die. He didn't though.

6 People playing really loud music

I remember some kids played loud music on my bus a few times it sucked

7 People who try to sit next to you when there isn't room
8 People who have their leg right in the aisle as you try to go past

Those people must be stupid.

9 A complete stranger that tries to start a conversation with you
10 Radio playing the same songs everyday

My driver listened to spots broadcasts all the time. It was the most anoying thing. Also, talk radio. Sometimes he would listen to county or classic rock but that was only once and a while.

The Contenders
11 Annoying kids

Worst part of the ride is the annoying kids and the bus driver screaming at them both ways to and from school and kids yelling, blasting music, running around, and then like I said having a driver yell at them just for them to not listen. The worst is the driver pulling over

12 Bus is late

I hated the late bus, it had it a few times in the winter, it drove me nuts, worst when it was cold

13 Mean drivers

Sometimes they yell because they are having a bad day and take it out on everyone on the bus. Sometimes they get worse or nicer as the year drags on. But many drivers are drivers because they can't find another job and the districts have to hire who ever they can since they are understaffed. Many not all but many of my drivers looked like convicted felons.

14 Getting stuck in traffic or bad weather

This used to be the WORST. If you have a new driver its like every little thing. I don't mind as much being late to school but it is irritating when you are late getting home. I had drivers before who knew traffic was bad but went that way anyways. More experienced drivers can plow through it and find alternative routes. But rookie drivers every time there is sprinkles the driver slows down to ten miles an hour much more if it storms or there is winter weather. I was almost a hour late getting home before because of this stuff.

Happens every single day. The weather usually sucks by the time I get home, not to mention that sometimes the sun makes me drowsy in addition to blinding me. I hope it gets rainy or cloudy soon.

This always sucked. Sometimes they would make a bad call to have school and we would be stuck in traffic for a long time. Once the driver took us back home because they canceled last minute

This was annoying it sucked being late for school or home because of bad weather or traffic

15 People who take up a lot of space
16 Everyone in the class singing a song that you hate.

The girls on the bus do this every time to ensure the ride is an absolute misery.

17 Annoying music on the radio

This is why I always bring my MP3 player and some earbuds to school with me. I can't stand the mainstream garbage "music" they play on the radio, so I try drown it out with some good music so that I don't go insane.

I hated hearing can't stop the feeling, I heard it like every day, it was annoying

18 Bus driver pulls over

Oh yea we had our day's with a few of my drivers. They would pull over all the time because of dumb crap just so they get paid more because their gone longer. Same reason why we wait at the other school sometimes up to a hour before they let us in.

19 The people around you are too loud and you can't hear your music over top of them.
20 People kicking the back of your seat

YES SO TRUE! This bothers me so much, I can hardly stand it! I'm currently thinking of getting dropped off by my parents because of this.

21 People who swear too much

Some kids used to always say the f word every 2 words, and it really drove me nuts

22 No room where you have to stand
23 Sitting three or four to a seat
24 Over-crowded buses

This was always terrible. My driver tried to get a new bus a number of times before and where refused. There where kids on the floor, sitting in other kids laps, standing, on the dash and we got pulled over and SHE GOT SUSPENDED. I think she retired I'm gonna remember you forever Mrs. D! Though she was really mean and called kids she did not like names. I felt bad for her after that.

25 Bus driver's personal kids taking up the two front seats

I always hated that back in elementary school and middle school. And they're the reason why we can't sit anywhere else on a crowded school bus

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