Top 10 Most Annoying Things Teachers Do

The Top Ten
1 Give out lots of homework

The person who invented homework deserves to be sent to DAVY JONES LOCKER! Now, you might think, why would such a heartless and sadistic person do this to us? Because they wanted to hear our reaction. Teenagers are the most fun to make angry because they don't cry, they complain in a teenage way that is entertaining to watch and they can't do anything powerful because they haven't fully grown yet. The person' who invented homework's ghost after they died watches people complain about homework, just for their own amusement. That is really sick.

"Why do we have homework?"
"It makes you smarter."
"But you have SIX HOURS to teach us over a course of 200 days a year for 12 years!"
"Yeah, but you'll be fine. You can handle anything when you're a school student, you can stop doing cool things to do homework because you're a school student and are capable to do so!"

2 Say that the whole class is in trouble because one person did something

Tell me about it. It's happening far too frequently now, that I'm seriously getting convinced that teachers do this on purpose. Now, I'm a person who's never been into trouble at school individually because I never did stuff purposely at school. I had this one teacher that gave us a 30 minute lecture for not being in class on time, being on our phones and fooling around in class. I don't do either of those stuff and some of the other students who were in my class don't either. But for some reason, it was everyone else's fault and the teacher gets even more mad when one kid was laughing during the lecture. I really DISLIKE when teachers do that.

3 Give out homework over the weekend

Weekends are for relaxing, family time, and peace. Homework over the weekend will make it a stressful weekend. This is why I hate school. Also teachers are so annoying. Not nice teachers. Teachers with a bad attitude are annoying. Also what happens sometimes is if you don't finish your work then it will be Homework over the weekend. What? Just let us finish the work on Monday. Nobody wants to have homework over the weekend. What's so hard to understand?

It's even more annoying when teachers don't let their students work on their assignments DURING class, like when I was in college, I took a class called "Typography, Technology, and Image," taught by Lorraine Tady(rhymes with potty), and she gave us critiques EVERY day in class, even having TWO critiques in one day, and NO time to work on our projects during class, IT'S SO ANNOYING! UGH!

4 Make you show your work

My math teacher always tells us that we have to show our work for every little problem. And if you missed at least two or three or more that is counted as incomplete even though you showed you work for the rest. That beyond annoys me and gets me stressed cause if your work is not neat and your work looks like the Greek alphabet then that is counted as incomplete. So our work always has to be neat and have to show how I got the answer for every problem to be counted as complete.

Long story short, I'm Asian and my teacher is racist. I showed my work and answered the questions correctly, while my tablemates got them wrong without showing their work. Surprisingly, the teacher marked them as correct and me as wrong. As it turned out, I was actually right and they were wrong. Despite this, the teacher continued to mark my tablemates as 100% correct and only gave me a score of 75% correct. To make matters worse, I had to stay behind after class and endure a lecture, only to realize that I was right all along.

The End.

5 Call on you when no one else answers

I very much agree with this statement. Especially when your a student that isn't good at this type of learning and such. It also gets people really anxious. Its so annoying! Why can't you just choose SOMEONE ELSE!!!


If no one raises there hand, then apparently we don't want to answer.

Take a hint. No one wants to answer.

6 Tell the entire class "I'm just gonna sit here until you're quiet" and then give a 40 min emotional and spiritual speech about how the class is wasting time

My class does this ALL THE TIME. Well, not my class, but in library. This library teacher started screaming at us because she'd had a hard day and the boys wouldn't stop talking. Also, I was making a doggy-face hand shadow with my hand and she literally went crazy.

Honestly, in like Year Five, this teacher was super nice (heck, he let ten year-old me annoy him to oblivion! ) but also kinda lazes off. He had to call in a literal devil-teacher and he yelled at us for 20 minutes straight about the 'standard of Year Five' and how it's decreasing rapidly.

7 Call on you for an answer when you didn't raise your hand

Obvi in history class I wasn't raising my hand bc I didn't now the answer and the teacher went like "I'll choose the ones not raising their hands." like bro if I didn't raise my hand then I don't know the answer there's a reason why I ain't raising my hand here.

Usually teachers do this because they think your not paying attention too. But you don't have to know all the answers! Once I was taking notes and my health teacher said "Liz pay attention! " I got so mad!

So my math teacher calls on kids who didn't raise their hand because other kids are, and I quote, "doing all the work." I am super shy so even in late May I can't talk in front of the class without dying.

8 Lose your work that you hand in, then make you redo it.

It happened to me right in eighth grade, with my Manifest Destiny packet for my United States history class. Ms. Fichtenbaum asked for my Manifest Destiny packet, but I couldn't find it anywhere, so she had to text my dad to inform him about it, and then he told me to work on it, that I couldn't even find it at home, so I had to draw out the maps and rewrite the whole story on blank paper instead, and when I turned it in, Ms. Fichtenbaum marked it as a late grade and an F. And it never happened in sixth or seventh grade, not even ninth grade or later.

9 Give you homework on a lesson you haven't learned yet

When we're starting a unit my teacher gives us the hardest question in the entire unit. We can't see the future, you know.

We didn't learn it yet, why do they force it in/on us!?!?!?!?!?!?

10 Keep the students in the classroom until they say they can leave

Yes! The bell has gone! They make us stand behind our chairs quietly. I mean, if we come to class after the bell, they get annoyed but they keep us after the bell. To all teachers, if the bell doesn't dismiss us, then it's also doesn't tell us when we get to class. Technically, we can come whenever we want. This is especially annoying if it's break, lunch or the end of the day, especially if you need to catch a bus or something.

Oh my gosh this is so infuriating. I had a teacher in my freshmen year of HighSchool who did this. It is the last class of the day sadly because one time he made everyone stay after class for almost 10 minutes because the class wouldn't stop talking, and I missed the bus home!

The Newcomers

? Put you behind a tall student
The Contenders
11 Call your parents over something simple

Oh my god. Once, I (accidentally) broke the pom pom off of a girl's hat, and she started CRYING. They called my parents later, and it was somehow all on me.

If you simply breath teachers will call your parents...

That would be the worst if they called your parents for forgetting a pencil or something

12 Simply repeat the directions when you don't understand the assignment

I had a teacher. (I will call him/her X). Anyway X was telling us instructions that half the class didn't understand. Then X said that if you didn't understand it then sit on the carpet. So then X repeated word for word the exact same thing again. Of course, since X said it the exact same way again. None of us understood. I'm assuming you know what happened next. X just said the word for word exact same thing again. Like before, no-one got it. X just sighed angrily and sent us back to our seats. I guess X just expected us to know everything and that we were bluffing when we said we didn't understand it. In the end, only half the class got any work done - Unnamed Google User Remade

13 Think you always have a attitude even when you don't

They keep saying I'm talking back. Isn't that how a conversation works? Would you just want me to sit there and NOT respond to you? Is that better?

I ain't even doing anything to them all I do is listen to their words and speeches

14 Think they are always right

What do teachers these days have against admitting that they're wrong for once in their lives? They think they're always right, they don't give a care about the person defending themselves when they're in trouble even when they have a good point. Teachers are out to get innocent students that try to work hard in school and do NOTHING wrong on purpose! And I'm sick and tired of it!

My history teacher said that in our diary it says that we should have "highlighters" which means more than one. We all started to check in our diary and I was the first to find the equipment page. And guess what, it didn't highlighters at all!

15 Ban talking like it's a sin

I mean, it's fine to have rules during a test, and I understand that. But when you're trying to talk and get to work, the teachers blame you more than they try to make people angry. When I was assigned to do the chairs, the library teacher (the strictest one - everything can make her unhappy) was assigning the groups, and I missed out on the group choosing. So I tried to ask someone to recall it to me, and the teacher looked at me and said, "Even the good kids are talking." I was a good kid (a favorite from my Year Six teacher), and because of this dumb rule of "don't talk back to adults," I kept my mouth shut. This doesn't apply when a kid is a non-stop chatterbox who annoys people. I would've said to the teacher, "Even the strictest teachers can't understand why I'm talking." Don't say it's because I'm naughty - it's basically the stupidest rule in school that I've ever listened to. Get this, the biggest idiots in the school get treated better when they're finally behaving. Then your normal, kind, and disciplined kid always gets nothing better than the bad kids just because they are good all the time. So, school education - make it better.

16 Cry on their jobs

I'm just trying to get out of class teacher, I don't care how your dog died...

They don't care about how their students feel, only themselves.

17 Make due dates too early

Let's say I have a project. A really big one that has to have 10 pages in google docs with no pictures and letter size 11. But the time they give us is 1 week. Don't they collaborate with other teachers or something? They have NO IDEA of how much homework we regularly have. I always have to sleep at 12 pm at least once a week.

This is so annoying! The teacher assigned a big project about the the branches of government, it looked very confusing and I had to spend 3 days just buying the supplies! And the project was due 6 days after given. I worked really hard but it still wasn't fully completed and I got in troyble.

18 Make boring jokes

My teacher likes to make a lot of dad jokes. He knows they are corny but he still does it. If he has the opportunity to make it he will.

One of my teachers literally SHIPS me with students.

19 Get a 100% percent on a grade and they mark you down to a F

I don't get 100%, so I don't have to worry about this!

20 Be boring

You make this class depressing...

21 Assign group work and put a sensible student with a group of idiots

To be honest, do they WANT to torture me?! This happened several times. Do they think it's funny or amusing to watch a good, sensible, intelligent, hard-working, and SOMETIMES shy student be left out and publicly embarrassed by a group of kids who don't care about the project at all? Once, in 5th grade, I was put in a group with the typical popular clique of three girls. They were very bossy and really didn't talk to this other guy and I at all, just chatting about social media and all that. Group work is... not my cup of tea because I don't really make friends that easily and it's just stressful trying not to say something wrong. I'd take working alone, unless it involves something oral, any day.

22 Talk about their life story

So, today we're going to do pages 19-39 in class and 40-50 as homework. But anyways, this weekend, I went to Taco Bell! I ordered 1500 orders of nachos, and then I carefully placed them into a structure! I placed the first nacho at the bottom, the second nacho next to it, the third next to the second...(1 hour later) Oh, it looks like we're out of time. You'll be doing pages 19-50 in your math book as homework. Bye, class!

Don't worry, we all have to do things we don't want to do.

Yeah once my teacher was telling us about her parent's life story like why

23 Call your parents because you did something bad

Even in your teens they will still do it, like seriously? Not that it ever was my problem, but your threatening to call a teens parents? Come on.

Especially annoying because you KNOW your parents are going to be grumpy about it even if you didn't do it or it wasn't your fault.

I think it is ok they know how to make this behavior stop from going farther than it already has.

24 Keep you after the bell

This happens often and it ends up with students almost missing their buses.

Guess what? It's illegal to do this. Look it up.

Either After school detention or the Teacher's dismissal and not the bell crap

25 When in 8th grade when people are having trouble with work they say "you're almost in high school" as an excuse not to help them

And they are the ones who claim every reasonable explanation is an "excuse."

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