Top Ten Most Annoying Things Weaboos Do

Weebs have got to be the worst fanbase of all time. This list will explain the truth to you all and show you what they do. If you do anything of these things, that's your problem, not mine.
The Top Ten
1 Take Opinions that Oppose Anime Way Too Seriously

Now I watch anime (not that big of a fan but just a bit interested) and one time I jokingly told my best friend (who is obsessed with anime) that anime is just a cartoon and she litterally screamed at me and said "WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT" and went crying.

Just say you dislike Anime (I don't though), and they'll go all butthurt.

2 Claim They're Japanese When They're Not

I like anime and Japanese culture, but why would I want to pretend I'm Japanese? I'm fine with my Israeli-American self. This is kind of like how wiggers love to pretend they're African American by wearing backwards baseball caps, speaking in ghetto dialect, and throwing gang signs at people, after listening to some rap song on the radio or MTV.

This is just silly. People from any country can be anime fans if they want to, so anime is not only for the Japanese. Plus, many artists in the west and around the world love anime and draw anime-style, and a lot of newer animated shows (western) are anime-influenced.

While many Anime fans are Japanese, there are weebs who claim to be Japanese, when they really aren't. What I have a hard time understanding is, why would you claim to be Japanese just because you like Anime?

They probably think that people in Japan speak with subtitles & have huge eyes.

3 Post Hentai Everywhere

After weebs watch Hentai, they end up posting it on pretty much every site that it gets on our nerves.

Hentai is Cancer!

That pervert

4 Claim that Anime Characters are Real

Tell them that they aren't real and they will try to harm you

5 Try to Speak Japanese

"Kawaii"- SHUT UP. We get you like Anime but you don't have to speak Japanese horribly just because you like it

If you want to learn Japanese, learn words beyond kawaii, -chan, -kun, -san, -sama, baka, senpai, & neko.

They can't pronounce it right, either.

6 Call Themselves "Otakus"

Little do they know, "Otaku" is an offensive term in Japan used to insult people with obsessions over anything

7 Fall in Love with Anime Girls
8 Hate Western Animation

I know some western animation is terrible but that doesn't mean that all is bad. Fans of Japanese anime should give animation from other countries a chance once in a while.

Stop calling everything that's not Chinese/Asian/Japanese western it annoys me.

9 Watch Hentai

For those who don't know what Hentai is, Hentai is basically Anime porn. Anyway, watching Hentai automatically makes you a weeb, and the next item will explain why.

Hentai is a gift from God

10 Obsess Over Anime
The Contenders
11 Claim that Japan is Perfect

Nothing and no one is perfect. Japan is just like every single country and continent. They are all the same with little to no differences.

First of all, they don't know ANYTHING about Japan. Second, Japan is just like most countries. They have their own culture and lifestyle

They worship Japan because of anime.
Funny this is, Germany created anime.

12 Bash on Other Asian Countries and Their People

It's not respect, it's objectification. If they really respected Japan, they wouldn't act as if the people there are GODS & treat other Asian people like dog crap. Instead, they only respect the part of Asia that makes THEM feel good. This is just another form of racism.

Because weebs think Japan rules the continent only because it made Anime

Wut? Are they seriously bashing other countries just for this?

13 Disrespect Japanese Culture

They claim that Japan is so perfect, but what they don't realize is that they're actually DISRESPECTING Japan and it's culture

14 Change Their English Names to Japanese Sounding Names
15 Post Anime Memes in the Comments Section on Everything
16 Act Like Their Favourite Anime Character

Isn't that bad if they are just trying to do something good like they favorite character.

17 Think that Anime is Only for Japanese
18 Think Japanese Culture Consists Solely of Anime

While anime is a big part of Japanese culture, Japan isn't 100% anime.
And anime is actually German.

19 Bash on anyone who hates anime

They are just making the fanbase look bad D:

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