Top Ten Asinine Things to Shriek During the National Anthem at School

The Top Ten
1 Stupid country!
2 My country, my foot!

My country, "is so awesome that I will cut" my foot " for it! "

3 Lousy bunch of patriotics!

Sorry, sir, sort of slipped out...

4 Boring monotony!

Try to rip this one off!

5 Bunch of snobs!

Okay, this is going too far.

6 I hate this song!

Is it jazz or what?

7 Patriotic pigheads!
8 Slimy chickenlegged idiots!

That's right! I meant it, sir.

9 This anthem sucks!
10 Donkeythroated gorilla-patriotics!

Sincerely speaking, sir, I lost control. I'm sorry... I really meant to say pig-patriots, but the tongue is an evil traitor...

The Contenders
11 Bonkerboys!
12 I'd rather listen to Justin Bieber!

Wow. If you say this then you REALLY hate the national anthem

13 Allahu Akbar
14 O Canada
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