Top Ten Asinine Ways to Wake Somebody Up

Waking someone up is an easy task, unless you do these unconventional systems of waking one up!
The Top Ten
1 Submerge the sleeping person's feet in hot water, not their hand.

Hey, I just want to know what the effects of THIS are.

2 Buy a half gallon of dish soap, and pour it on sleeping person's comforter. Then, leave a note saying you accidentally dropped the soap. When you drop the note, be sure to turn an industrial fan to his face.

Haha, maybe he sleepwalked and took a show- (reads note) wait... what?

Eiher that, or the fan blows the note off.

Perfect! I'm going to use this one ASAP.

3 Turn on eight space heaters into sleeping person's room, heated for ninety degrees Fahrenheit. Then, close the door.

They are sure to wake up due to the fact the room is hot... I cannot sleep when it's too warm.

4 Place buckets of ice water to surround the bed. Then, get one of your friends to go around the ice buckets, and wake them up as normal.

Be sure to pay them ten bucks, by the way.

5 Get a pug to lick sleeping person until they wake up. Then, give both the pug and the person a dog treat.

Hey, if you don't want it, Puga will gladly take a second treat.

Wow that should work

6 Build a robot with one arm to slap the sleeping person awake.

Make sure they don't get TOO many bruises...

7 Throw an active air horn into sleeping person's bedroom.
8 Hire Miley Cyrus to lick sleeping person's feet. Then, get Nicki Minaj to join in, on the other foot. While they do that, pour melted ice cream on sleeping person.

Yep, it has to be melted ice cream. It will be all gross and strange, then.

Whoa the feet will melt

9 Drop an anvil on sleeping person.

You may also get a cry for help, and hear an ambulance come near by.

He may sleep forever

10 Take radiation, and put in sleeping person's house. Have them sleep until a rescue group evacuates them from home.

As long ad you two don't share the same house, this may work.

The Contenders
11 Make him listen to heavy metal to the maximum volume

Hey heavy metal cool but if your trying to sleep...

12 Place a bowl of sulfuric acid where they might place their hand
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