Most Asinine Drinks to Carbonate and Drink

The Top Ten
1 Sulphuric acid
2 Liquid Nitrogen
3 Bitterguard Juice
4 Salt Water
5 Milk
6 Mercury
7 Hot and Sour soup
8 Liquid Potassium Nitrate [Gunpowder]

I really liked this list and the 'asinine' title hahalolz!
Woah, carbonated sulphuric acid... It'll fry thy brain!
Laugh out loud, drain water and mercury...
Gunpowder is the best. Carbonate and drink it. EXPLOSION! And there won't be any bally leftover.
God bless!

9 Drain Water
10 Turkey Gravy
The Contenders
11 Mud
12 Platypus Juice
13 Mango Juice
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