Top Ten Best Assassins Creed Weapons
It's always been (and always will be) the assassins main weapon and u must get y
Just because it is hidden and it is always with you
Your best chance of killing anyone you meet.
In my case, hatchets are always the 2nd best besides battle axes. They are the most valuable tool ever.
The Ottoman Assassins were very creative as they made this life-saving tool to help them in their dangerous freerunning on rooftops
Great for parkour, and killing enemies.
Honestly this was one of my favorite things of AC 3. I enjoyed using the bow.
Fists are always the best weapon
Hey this isn't fair the Phantom blade is a hidden blade plus a crossbow it is much better than a normal hidden blade
The Newcomers
I like this weapon cause it kills enemys faster than an ac3 weapon I've ever seen but of course I've only made it to sequence 3 quite easy to kill soldiers right? I like to go to a british base were there's like a thousand of them then I just kill them all using a dagger and that's pretty much it your probably wondering if I claim to be such I good ac3 gamer I would've past that sequence by defeating that gang but whenever I get to the part when I have to shoot the powder kegs my gun just all suddenly doesn't work rather I use eagle vision close aim or reguler shoot it doesn't do it which I don't understand cause it works normaly when I'm not doing that mission what do you think?
I think the Air Rifle is by far THE BEST weapon in the series, it serves as a multipurpose weapon, if you want to tranq or make some go crazy from the distance, use the Air Rifle. You want to blow up barrels up without giving away your position put in some firecracker darts and blow it up. And it has a grenade launcher to take out or put an entire party to sleep
I think this is the best weapon because it is a piece of eden
It is so cool because you can literally bash the guards heads in with it