Top 10 Characters Missing from Wickedbinges Avatar The Last Airbender Characters Good to Evil Video

For this list we will be looking at the characters from Avatar the Last Airbender who were absent from Wickedbinges Avatar the Last Airbender Characters Good to Evil video while giving somewhat of an analyses of where these characters who be ranked as either Good, Bad/Evil or in the middle.
The Top Ten

On one hand one could argue that Jet would rank as bad due to him using the Freedom Fighters to exact revenge against the Fire Nation by almost killing an innocent Fire Nation occupied Earth Kingdom town by blowing up the dam and flooding the place and possibly killing everyone which thankfully the people were safe thanks to Sokka warning them of the danger, but on the other hand the effects of the war and the lost of his parents which really effected him leading to a burning hatred for the Fire Nation that he's willing to go to extreme lengths to exact revenge against them that he becomes mentally unstable and views everyone from the Fire Nation as evil, Jet would most likely be ranked as Neutral.


Very surprising that she wasn't on the list, as the creator of blood bending and using her new technique to imprison take control of others and imprisoning them, though on one hand she was taken from her tribe by the fire nation and imprisoned along with the other water benders with the intend of wiping them out and began learning the technique of blood bending to escape her prison however this still dosne't excuse her actions later on as she continued to use her new powers to control others including the innocence and even was willing to teach it to Katara and forces her to use it herself to save Aang and Sokka when Hama controlled them and put them in danger and even though Katara was able to stop her and helped free all the people she captured Hama still wins as she was able to pass down her blood bending technique to Katara, therefore she would rank as EVIL.

Long Feng

Defiantly would fit into the BAD/EVIL category he basically takes over Ba Sing Se using the Di Li agents to silence everyone from even mentioning the war while also keeping the Earth King in the dark, among other atrocities he commits he has brainwashed dozens of people to keep them quit like Jet when he tries to expose Zuko and Iroh as being from the fire nation, he also captures Appa and uses him for leverage against Aang and the others so they won't tell anyone about the war and even later uses Jet to try and lead the Avatar gang on a wild goose chase and he also kills Jet near the end of the episode Lake Laogai, though he's later busted for his actions but later forms an alliance with Azula who later double crosses him in the end as the Di Li now side with her as she claims Ba Sing Se in the name of the Fire Nation.

King Bumi

Aang's childhood friend and would defiantly be in the GOOD category though a bit unorthodox when it comes to his methods like when he tests Aang and how he basically decides to do nothing when Omashu is invaded by the fire nation and actually allows himself to be captured though he later breaks free and takes back his kingdom during the eclipse due to the fire benders losing their fire bending during that time.

The Boulder

Formerly worked for Xin Fu who runs the Earth Rumble and even though he and the rest of the Earth Rumble warrior helped him to capture Aang and Toph he later sides with team Avatar during the invasion of the Fire Nation during eclipse so I'd have to say he would be in the GOOD category.

Monk Gyatso

Defiantly GOOD as he's basically like a father figure to Aang and even fought against the counsel on Aang's behalf when they wanted to send him away to train with a new mentor due to upcoming danger with the Fire Nation.


He's a spirit who steals people's faces so yeah he's pretty evil though he does provide Aang with the information that he needs to the whereabouts to the ocean and moon spirits.

Wan Shi Tong

The Owl spirit thing who appears in the episode "The Library" who runs his own library hidden in the desert who really dosne't like humans entering his place due to humans only wanting to use his knowledge to gain the advantage over others as General Zhao used the information himself for when he and his army invaded the Northern Water Tribe, while hesitant he eventually allows Aang and company to use his library under the condition they not misuse his information but of course he finds out what they're really up to and decides to finish burying his library so that no one will be able to abuse his knowledge again all while also trying to kill Aang and friends in the process If I have to guess I'd say he would lean into the NEUTRAL BAD side.


In terms of morality I'd say she's more NEUTRAL as she is a bounty hunter whose willing to take any job for money as when she was hired by Zuko to track down Aang and company and later Zuko hires her again to find Iroh after her pet Nyla is unable to track Aang.


The Newcomers

? Hakoda
? Guru Pathik
The Contenders

Zuko and Azula's mother and Fire Lord Ozai's wife, on one hand she was good mother to Zuko but on the other hand she apparently wasn't the same towards Azula even went as far as to call her a monster which really effected Azula in the long run despite Azula being evil mostly due to Ozai's influence on her, and lets not forget that when she learned that Fire Lord Azulon had ordered Ozai to kill Zuko after he asked him to pass Iroh's birthright to the throne and made a deal with Ozai to help him take the throne from Azulon by creating the poison to kill him so that Zuko's life would be sparred and as a result she was forced to leave as he worried that she would do the same to him, If I had to rank her it would most likely she would be in the middle as NEUTRAL.

Xin Fu
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