Top Ten Awesome Ways to Get In Trouble at Lunchtime In School

The Top Ten
1 Start a food fight

This is the funnest way

This would be fun.

2 Stand on the lunch table singing Na Sabena

NAA SABENAA! I don't remember the rest of the words!
And you didn't just read that
You sang it

I've done this so many times

3 Cuss really loud

Bad idea. For idiots only. Therefor, I shall not do it

I've done this so many times

4 Buy all the sour gummy worms from the vending machine

My school doesn't have a vending machine. Actually, there aren't many vending machines on Maui at all! I just realized that there isn't a vending machine at any of our malls! O_O

How about buying EVERYTHING from the vending machines?

I have chips at my vending machine.

I've done this

5 Overcook a cookie and throw it at someone's face
6 Throw your lunch box to the other side of the cafeteria
7 Punch someone's tray
8 Put a lollipop stick on someone's Tostitos
9 Slap someone's butt

By this I mean spanking someone

10 You run across the cafeteria screaming "yolo!"
The Contenders
11 Go into the girls' bathroom if you're a boy
12 Go into the boys bathroom if you're a girl
13 Bite someone's butt
14 Play rap music
15 Peeing on someone
16 Play heavy metal music
17 Ring the bell at lunch

I did this a few times

18 Barf everywhere
19 Humping someone

Oh god.. There was this really disgusting girl in 4th grade who humped her chair in math class! I would glance at her doing it and when no one was looking.

20 Start a riot
21 Color on the walls of teacher's classrooms
22 Take off all your clothes

Please don't. Nobody wants to see that.

23 Poop everywhere
24 Start a moshpit
25 Spit at the supervisor for no reason
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