Top Ten Most Awkward Moments That Could Happen During a Sleep Over

The Top Ten
1 He/She sleep talks "Hey (Insert Name), do you want to play Call of Duty?"
2 He/She Sleepwalks to the kitchen and eats your chips
3 Someone knocks on the door and your friend says "Is that the GhostBusters? I just got a nightmare"
4 "How many followers do you have? I have 0 followers on Twitter"

That's sad lol

5 He/She posts a selfie on Instagram and says "I'm about to sleep with my BFF"

Lesbians right here

6 When you ask a movie he/she has, he/she pulls out "FoodFight!"
7 You wake up in the middle of the night finding your friend using a "Virtual Boy"
8 You wake up at 3:00 and find him listening to "3 AM" By Eminem

I like Eminem but that would be disturbing

9 You Find Your Sleep Over Friend Getting High
10 Your Sleep Over Friend Wants to Watch A Sleep Time Movie Called Nude For Satan
The Contenders
11 You find your friend's nudes on Instagram and announce it
12 Someone finds out about your blankie and starts to tease you

I have a few blankies but they are stored away my room in somewhere safe and out of sight from others. Also I NEVER bring them on overnight trips.

13 You and your friend have sex
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