Top Ten Most Badass Moments from the "Toy Story" Franchise

I know that the word badass isn't the first thing that comes to mind when you think toy story, but still. Its had its moments
The Top Ten
1 Woody and Buzz's ' Falling Within Style ' (Toy Story)

Typo Falling With Style, sorry

Such an awesome scene

2 Woody and Jessie's ' Finest Hour' from the airplane (Toy Story 2)

When they are trying to escape the plane, woody slips and his arm is tearing, he

3 Woody and Sid's Toys Revolt against Sid (Toy Story)
4 Woody Calls out Lotzo Bear (Toy Story 3)

Calls him out on Daisy and how selfish Lotzo is, which results in him being turned on. Woody channels his inner Clint Eastwood in this

5 Buzz saves Woody from Scud (Toy Story)

Honestly a suicidal act of friendship from Buzz.

6 Spanish Buzz saves Jessie ( Toy Story 3)
7 Woody Rescues Weezy (Toy Story 2)
8 Rex involuntarily defeats Zurg (Toy Story 2)

" I did it, I finally defeated Zurg! ;...Father" gotta feel good for Rex

9 The alien toys save the Gang ( Toy story 3)

The incinerator scene

The aliens are so cute

Should be higher.

10 Mr. Potato Head saves the Alien toys ( Toy Story 2)

"You saved our lives. We are eternally grateful." They followed him all the way home.

The Contenders
11 When Bo Peep Saves Woody and Forky and Gets Them Back To Bonnie While Also Being The Leader of the Lost Toys and Carnival
12 When Barbie Takes Down Ken, Puts Lotso in His Place, and Becomes the New Leader of Sunnyside (Toy Story 3)
13 When Jessie Saves Everyone in Toy Story of Terror
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