Top 10 Best Band Jobs for Pac-Man/Miles "Tails" Prower/Amy Rose/Shadow the Hedgehog

Pac-Man would be a great leader of a Western Canadian band with the Sonic Cast, but the list solely explains the main band members.
The Top Ten
1 Pac-Man as the lead singer voiced by Chris/Tails as the disc jockey voiced by Chris Colfer/Amy Rose as the drummer being voiced by Iggy Azalea/Shadow as the rapping guitarist voiced by Pitbull
2 Pac-Man as the lead singer/guitarist voiced by Chris Brown/Miles "Tails" Prower as the pianist voiced by Chris Colfer/Amy Rose as the drummer/cymbalist (rapper at times) voiced by Iggy Azalea/Shadow the Hedgehog as the disc jockey voiced by Pitbull

Justin Timberlake for Tails, Chris Colfer for AiAi (from Super Monkey Ball), OK? And Amy Rose would be a great drummer!

3 Pac-Man as the pianist voiced by Chris Brown/Tails as the guitarist voiced by Chris Colfer/Amy Rose as the drummer voiced by Iggy Azalea/Shadow as the DJ voiced by Pitbull
4 Pac-Man as the pianist voiced by Chris Brown/Tails as the lead vocalist voiced by Chris Colfer/Amy Rose as the drummer voiced by Iggy Azalea/Shadow as the DJ voiced by Pitbull
5 Pac-Man as the lead guitarist being voiced by Chris Brown/Miles "Tails" Prower as the pianist being voiced by Justin Timberlake/Amy Rose as the drummer being voiced by Iggy Azalea/Shadow the Hedgehog as the disc jockey being voiced by Pitbull
6 Pac-Man as the lead singer voiced by Chris Brown/Tails as the drummer voiced by NicePeter/Amy Rose as the guitarist/Shadow as the DJ
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