Best Band Names with a Word Replaced with Treasure

The Top Ten
1 Iron Treasure
2 Megatreasure
3 MetalTreasure

This is from the band name Metal Church and I added it because it reminds of my user name.

4 Treasure! at the Disco

Arrgh, mateys! Ye captain be digging up the treasure of the disco!

5 Judas Treasure
6 Avenged Treasurefold
7 DragonTreasure
8 Guns N' Treasure
9 Pantreasure
10 TreasureForce
The Contenders
11 Van Treasure
12 Aerotreasure
13 Green Treasure
14 Blind Treasure

This is unacceptable not being on the list when all I hear about is Blind Guardian from you.

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