Best Batman: The Animated Series Season 2 Episodes

The Top Ten
1 Mudslide
2 Shadow of the Bat Part 1
3 The Worry Men
4 House and Garden
5 Paging the Crime Doctor
6 Trial
7 Sideshow
8 Harlequinade

My all time favorite episode of Batman The Animated Series along with Almost Got I'm and The Man who killed Batman! It is really great animated and truely the best Harley Quinn episode ever because I Think Harley Quinn herself is on her best and funniest in this episode. That I why I love this episode!

Nothing like a buddy-buddy adventure where the hero has to team up with a villain to bring down a worse villain.

9 Shadow of the Bat Part 2
10 Avatar
The Contenders
11 Showdown
12 The Terrible Trio
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