Top Ten Beautiful but Weird Flowers

Everything in the world has a weird side, including flowers. Here are some beautiful, but downright bizarre flowers you won't believe exist!
The Top Ten
1 Naked Man Orchid
2 Bleeding Heart

Wow! They really do look like little delicate pink hearts. Stunningly beautiful!

I've seen these in real life, they are very pretty.

3 Dancing Girl Impatiens
4 White Egret Orchid

Beautiful! Looks more like a dove in that photo.

5 Swaddled Babies

These flowers are fabulous.

6 Monkey Face Orchid

Creepy! They look like they're about to attack, run!

7 Flying Duck Orchid
8 Devil's Hand
9 Corpse Flower
10 Black Bat Flower
The Contenders
11 Pitcher Plant

Also known as "Monkey cups"

12 Titum Arum

Very tall and has the foulest odour. But quite beautiful in its own unique way.

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