Most Beautiful League of Legends Girls

The Top Ten
1 Janna

Is Janna first because of her joke? Laugh out loud

2 Ahri
3 Lux

I fell in love first time I saw her

4 Ashe

She is prettiest of them all

5 Miss Fortune

Her boobs are huge

6 Riven
7 Katarina

Katarina, is Hot because she don't care about boys shes the grand master of blades and guys be lovin' what they can get.

Everybody, check out her recall... Laugh out loud

8 LeBlanc

LeBlanc's boobs, so OP

9 Sona
10 Leona
The Contenders
11 Nidalee
12 Irelia
13 Xayah
14 Diana
15 Jinx
16 Caitlyn
17 Shyvana
18 Kindred
19 Zoe
20 Annie
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