Best Credit Repair Blogs
The best blogs for learning about your credit, repairing your credit, and the credit repair industry.Posts are infrequent, but they are matter of fact and very informative. Unlike a lot of places that talk about credit repair in a high level, more theoretical fashion, The Better Credit Blog gives you actual things you can do and real world examples of things to watch out for.
This is the ultimate blog for do-it-yourself credit repair. Ryan has taken information from all over the internet as well as explain his own story on credit repair and included it in his blog. Highly useful for those looking for improve their own credit.
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As would be expected from the blog of a credit repair company, there are a lot of posts talking about the importance of repairing your credit (which is not necessarily a bad thing), but there is also a lot of good tips and information about things you can do to improve your credit score on your own. Posts bear the Jim Kemish trademark of presenting information in a clear, easy to digest format which makes the blog more readable than some.
Visit WebsiteHas a lot of good information about your credit and finances in general. Also has a few off topic posts but they are all well written by MyCreditGroup owner Marc Chase and are very readable.
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Ovation provides a number of credit correction and improvement services including the creation and sending of custom validation dispute letters to... read more

They have a great personalized service that is completely focused on you and around your goals.
Great service, and better people
Great blog and updates on current news and events that affect the general public

A leading credit repair company, Creditmergency works with you to improve your FICO score and to make it easier for you to get the credit you need. Offering a free consultation and a free credit repair e-book for subscribers, they will provide you with the tools you need to see rapid results
The Newcomers
Great debt relief and management tips
They have a lot of good info on credit repair and companies too. provides consumers with do-it-yourself tutorials to improve credit or even establish credit, as well as information on loans and more.
Probably the most informative.
AAA Credit Guide has been most helpful credit repair blog for me. They write about topics that I can actually take action on to repair my credit. I've learned a lot from them and have improved my credit scores by following their advice.