Honest Thoughts: Polaris: Player Select and Parker Plays

Hello everyone! Today, I'd like to do something a bit different. I'm going to review 2 D|XP shows. If you don't know what that is, it's basically a daily summer programming block on Disney XD that is dedicated to gaming. With that said, let's do this!

1. Polaris: Player Select

This show is pretty bad. It's nothing but random clips of random YouTubers playing random games. Although it's entertaining to watch these YouTubers, it's basically Disney just making money off of clips they took from YouTube. The question behind this show is why does it even exist? Polaris: Player Select is lazy, forgettable, and isn't worth your time. I'd rate it a 4/10.

2. Parker Plays

Ahh, this show. I really like it. In case you don't know what this show is, it's basically a gaming show starring the YouTuber ParkerGames. This show has some great skits, I love the different segments, and the show is just plain hilarious. The guest appearances are pretty nice as well. I definitely prefer Season 1 over Season 2, however. I ended up not laughing as much as I used to. Something about his YouTube channel changed, but I can't put my finger on it. Maybe it's that he tries to make so many types of videos at once. I just wish when his channel was simple, where I could just watch one of his videos every day to watch a new episode of Challenge Accepted after school. Somehow the complexity carried over to his TV show (in a different context), but, again, I can't put my finger on it. Also, there isn't really a reason why this show exists, like, why would you even give him a show if people can just pull out their phones out and watch his channel? This show feels like a cash grab to be honest. Despite that, it's still a solid show, and I do recommend it. I'm wondering one thing, though: is there going to be a third season? Overall, I'd rate it an 9/10.


Overall, DX|P just feels like a great big forgettable cash grab. Most of the shows on this block are pretty mediocre, with a few exceptions. I honestly don't know if I want DX|P to disappear or not. Sure, most of the shows are bad, but I really just love Parker Plays. Anyway, what do you think on these two shows?
