Best Things to Bring to School

The Top Ten
1 A Smartphone
2 Money

Because it's very important to us to bring money to buy stuffs or snacks that we usually needed at school and most importantly for emergencies...

3 A Playstation Portable
4 Pencils / Pens

Well, duh! How would you write?

5 Action Figurines / Toys
6 Portable Music Player

Ipod make the day go buy much quicker but my school doesn't allow Ipods so I just usually doodle in my scrapbook

7 A Portable DVD Player

Laugh out loud I did this once... and a SMALL one...

8 Energy Drinks
9 Plushies
10 Video Games
The Contenders
11 A Scrap Book / Journal

This is what emo's do... laugh out loud it's kinda fun doodling when your done all for work =)

12 Your Homework
13 A backpack
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