Best Things That Could Be Invented

The Top Ten
1 The Anime / Manga World

Please god, keep me alive until this world is invented! I'm ready to forsake even my own real life to live an anime life. I want to live the Detective Conan world. Despite your usename, I like you IHateEveryoneOnTheTopTens for adding this item to this list.

What a delightful place it would be!

2 The Delete Button for Humans

For all the bad people in the world.

It's called a bullet.

3 A Time Machine

I don't know what the first war ever was but how about stop the first war ever so no wars ever happen.
Stop the Titanic from sinking.
Maybe have SpongeBob never airing and give the guy who invented it a better idea a more smarter cartoon.

I would go to legendary concerts.

4 The Mute Button for Humans

It is also called a bullet.

5 The Ability to Fly
6 The Option to Disown Family Members
7 Attractive Serum

A serum to make you look SEXY AS HELL!

8 A Thing to Make School Disappear

School = nightmare but some subjects are important for you and some subjects are not important for you.
Someone who studies math and science wont want to study religious education.
You don't want to tell anyone but what if you want to become the principal someone has to do it if someone retires/fired/dies.
You want to flip burgers because it's a job which someone needs to do.
Becoming an artist is a tough job to get but it's a school subject.
Becoming a cook or a chef.
P.E. just watch a sports channel.

9 Bitch-be-gone Spray
10 A Robot That Does Everything for You

How cool it would be if Robot would do homework, clean room, and feeds you anything you want to eat at anytime

The Contenders
11 Hoverboards
12 A Weather Changer

It be cool to have a thing to change the weather to any non severe weather you want, like change a snow day to nice weather, and change rain to warm weather, or to a thunderstorm that wasn't severe

13 A Thing that Can Fix Anything that is Broken
14 God-Like Powers
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