Top 10 Big Bang Theory Quotes

The best quotes from the American Sit-Com Big Bang Theory.
The Top Ten
1 Bazinga! - Sheldon Cooper

This is obviously #1 because "Bazinga! " is trademarked! I laugh so hard when he says that!


Bazinga in the ball pit!

They should all be Dr. Coopers.

2 Penny, you don't want to get into it with Sheldon. he's one lab accident away from becoming a super-villain. - Leonard Holfstader

-The Panty Pinata Polarization. The best episode of all time.

3 Was it wearing boxer shorts? You may have been watching Nickelodeon. - Sheldon
4 …And the next morning when he woke up, he rolled over and realized… duh-duh-duh! …she was his cousin. - Raj
5 He came with a manual - Howard Wolowitz
6 No I love my mother, my feelings for that spot are much greater. - Sheldon Cooper
7 I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested. - Sheldon Cooper

I just love this quote.
It was funny when his mother admitted that she had tested him but she wishes she got a second opinion. laugh out loud.

How is this number 7? lol

I just imagine it...

8 Why are you calling at this 'Un-Godly' hour" - Howard (in his mother's voice)
9 Knock, knock, knock -name- knock, knock, knock -name- knock, knock, knock -name- - Sheldon Cooper

The Sheldon knock is what I call it!

Should be number 2


Should be #2

10 I'm the boss, I make the jokes - Sheldon Cooper
The Contenders
11 Yeah, well your Ken can kiss my Barbie - Penny

The sassiest line ever. And one I use my self

I love penny I wish she was my friend.

Best comeback ever

12 They don't call me Brown Dynamite for nothing - Rajesh Koothrappali
13 I weep for the future of science, now if you'll excuse me the new issue of Batman is out - Sheldon Cooper
14 Tonight, I spice my meat with goblin blood - Rajesh Koothrappali
15 Howard! Your Froot Loops are getting soggy! - Mrs. Wolowitz
16 Smart? I'd have to lose 60 IQ points to be classified as smart. - Sheldon Cooper

I love this quote by the one and only Sheldon Cooper.

17 It's a tiara!
18 Leonard, sweetheart, we're kissing, not eating hot soup. - Priya
19 "I love you too." - Sheldon Cooper
20 The moving finger writes, and having writ, moves on! - Sheldon
21 I just vomited on a lot of clowns. - Sheldon
22 That's my spot - Sheldon Cooper
23 Ah honey, the buses don't go where you live do they? - Penny

Perfect response to another quip by Sheldon.

24 (Sniggers) humorous word-play - Sheldon Cooper
25 It's not cartoons... it's anime! - Sheldon Cooper
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