Top Ten Favorite Big Brother 19 (U.S.) Houseguests

It's a bit early, but these houseguests I can see getting to the end. If not, it is what it is. America may love these darlings the most.
The Top Ten
Jessica Graf

The this season has been playing out Jody are the underdog for sure and a little chaos to Paul's game is welcomed. Thursday July 3 2017, majority of houseguests harass Jody. The following Meatball Josh, Alex (cat ear), Raven, and Paul. #Notcool.

It was a hard choice it was between Jess and Cody but I have to give Jess the vote because she's actually a pretty strong competitor

Quite possibly the best looking houseguest by most of the males.

Cody Nickson

Cody is BEAST! He and Jessica are the only smart ones in the house! They are actually willing to stand up to Emperor Paul-Patine (why not throw in a Star Wars reference? ) and his minions/puppets/sheep/human shields.

Of all things I actually like how this guy might actually know what his doing. Hope his not quickly out like that and oh well like poor cameron.

Paul Abrahamian Paul Raffi Abrahamian is an American reality television personality, clothing designer, and musician born in Tarzana, California.

Yep your only returnee ladies and gentleman representing last season coming short.

Kevin Schlehuber

The oldest houseguest, and already like the guy, even if that risk my get him further or not his quite an old timer with great humor for a father figure mentality.

Josh Martinez
Christmas Abbott

If Jason didn't accidentally break her foot she would had been a beast in comps. One of the great disappointments of any season in BB.

A slight chance she might be the Janelle type of player this season.

Jason Dent

You gotta have a clown right, I sure don't mind it at all let's see how far he goes.

This guy preformed rodeos in my hometown

Raven Walton
Alex Ow
Elena Davies

She's got a aaryn vibe, but the exact opposite I can actually appreciate a liking for her in a way.

The Newcomers

? Lawon Exum
? Will Kirby
The Contenders
Matthew Clines

The man with the grey hair than any one else I have seen in my life lol.

Dominique Cooper

Reminds me of mama day only more laid back.

Cameron Heard

He should have won battle back.

Megan Lowder

Right the dog walker, or I mean ''the interrogator from hot Arizona'' Let's see how that alliance goes because it is quite in tact as your two members are on the chopping block yourself included.

Ramses Soto
Mark Jansen
Julie Chen
Jillian Parker
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