Biggest Events of the Year 1901

The Top Ten
1 First Nobel Prizes awarded

On December 10, 1901, five years after Alfred Nobel's death, the first five Nobel Prizes were awarded

2 Australia united as Federal Commonwealth
3 The Boxer Rebellion officially ends on Sept. 7 with the signing of the Peace of Beijing
4 25th US President William McKinley is shot in Buffalo, and dies 8 days later
5 Guglielmo Marconi successfully receives wireless signals transmitted from England to Newfoundland
6 Australian Parliament convenes for the first time in Melbourne
7 King Camp Gilette and William Nickerson team up to produce safety razor
8 Queen Victoria dies on Jan. 22 after a reign of nearly 64 years, and is succeeded by her son, Edward VII
9 J.P. Morgan creates the United States Steel Co., which will become the first $1 billion corporation in the world
10 Constantin Stanislavsky, founder of the Moscow Art Theatre, formulates the revolutionary Stanislavsky Method of acting
The Contenders
11 Hubert Booth invented an electric vacuum cleaner
12 Walt Disney is born
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