Top Ten Biggest Problems With Modern Hollywood

The Top Ten
1 Remaking & Rebooting Everything

We didn't need a new Total Recall and Robocop so soon.

2 Multi-Part Adaptations

Started with Harry Potter, continuing with Hobbit, Hunger Games and Twilight

3 Too Many Sequels

Were People really begging for another Grown Ups Movie

Any film series should have 3 films- a trilogy.

4 3D Movies

Why does everything have to be 3D now.

5 Over budget Movies

2013 was the year of bombs because of this and they can't simply lower the budget, do things have to always be over a hundred for each blockbuster.

6 Action for the sake of Action

Nothing against Action but not everybody is gonna enjoy a movie simply because of the action.

7 Less Original Ideas

Cause Zombies, Vampires & Wars are the way to attract people right? I say not!

8 Less Risks/More Of The Same

This is why everything is sequel/remake/reboot and adaptation.

9 Pandering To The Lowest Common Denominator

Looking at you Sandler

10 Over Producing

If Hollywood keeps releasing so many movies a week eventually the studios will have too many bombs and e industry will collapse under its own weight.

The Contenders
11 Virtually Anyone Can Be Famous Due to Reality TV
12 It's Way Too Popular
13 MeToo Movement

Destroying media since 2017.

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