Top Ten Bizarre Animals You Would Like to Rate Most

Similar thing as the list "Top Ten Animals You Would Like to Rate", but this list is exclusively for the most bizarre and most alien-like animals. What do you think of these Earth-aliens?
The Top Ten
1 Blobfish The blobfish is a deep sea fish of the family Psychrolutidae. It inhabits the deep waters off the coasts of mainland Australia and Tasmania, as well as the waters of New Zealand.

Still Can't Tell If It's Ugly Or Cute

This is beautiful

My favorite fish.

2 Flying Buttocks

Go home evolution, you're drunk! Silliest-looking animal ever. No seriously, a pig didn't get mutilated in the deep-sea (nor is it a plastic surgery butt lost at sea), it's a worm! A real worm!

This is really a thing? 7/10 cause it looks like a butt with a butthole.

3 Musk Deer

Vampire deer?!

4 Goblin Shark

The chimaera shark is the ghost shark? Oh please, this is the real ghost shark! Look at those needle-like teeth. Considering I have a fear of needles, this animal (along with some other needle-shaped-teethed animals) terrifies me a little bit (And I'm usually not terrified of animals). I love stuffs that are cool and terrifying at the same time

5 Dumbo Octopus Dumbo Octopus (Grimpoteuthis) is a small deep sea animal that dwells on the ocean floor at the depths of 9,800 to 13,000 feet. They are the deepest living octopuses known. It was named from a 1941 Disney film Dumbo.

Adorable deep-sea-dwelling named after its ear-like projections that resemble Dumbo's ears. I wanna hug it lol

It's adorable.

6 Christmas Tree Worm
7 Axolotl The axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, also known as the Mexican walking fish, is a neotenic salamander related to the tiger salamander. Although the axolotl is colloquially known as a "walking fish", it is not a fish, but an amphibian. The axolotl is only native to Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco in Mexico. more.
8 Japanese Spider Crab Inhabiting the waters around Japan, this marine crab species holds the record for the largest leg span among arthropods, which can extend up to 12 feet. It is primarily a scavenger, feeding on plant matter and small animals on the ocean floor.

The largest crab in the world. It's insane!

A HUGE crab with bizarrely long legs. It has the longest leg span out of all Arthropods: reaching up to a whooping 3.8m! It looks very cool too

9 Sea Pen

Is it even an animal? Looks like a giant feather sticking out of the sea floor

10 Waterbear The waterbear, or also known as the tardigrade or moss piglet, is a water-dwelling eight-legged micro animals. The waterbear is known for being the most resilient animal: It can survive very hot and very cold temperatures, pressures about 6 times greater than the pressure in deep-seas, radiations at doses hundred times higher than the lethal dose for a human, and the vacuum of space. It can go without food or drink for more than 30 years
The Contenders
11 Caecilian
12 Vampire Squid
13 Glowing Sea Turtle
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