Top Ten Bizarre Boredom-Breakers

Bored? You must be if you're here reading this! Oh you poor love. Never fear I may have the cure for your boredom. And if it doesn't work well, at least reading this list killed a few minutes. And maybe some braincells. Sorry for that.
The Top Ten
1 Pick any random song and count the number of times the word: Supercalieragilisticexpialidocious appears.

Listen carefully now it may appear more than twice!

2 Outstare yourself

Tried and tested. I always win as my reflection is always the first to look away.

3 See how long you can stare at the insides of your eyelids without blinking

Or you can just go to sleep if you wish...

4 Count the number of times the letter ''D" appears in this item

Well, that took forever.

5 Write a letter to yourself in a new fictional language and then proofread for spelling errors
6 Watch TV without switching it on

Because this will end my boredom.

7 Phone the Speaking Clock and see how long you can hold a conversation for
8 Count how many times you spot a brown car drive past
9 Stand on an English street and wait for the sun to appear

Sitting in an English garden, waiting for the sun. If the sun don't come you get a tan from standing in the English rain...

10 Listen to your wet laundry dry
The Contenders
11 Say "Moo" really loudly

I do that sometimes...

12 Talk to the wall
13 Listen to music with the volume on zero
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