Top Ten Board Games You Use to Love to Play as a Kid

I was born in '76 so basically I'm an 80's child. As a kid in the early 80's, when it was raining or we were bored, we would bust out the Atari, Colecovision or a board game. These are some games I remember enjoying as a kid.
The Top Ten
1 Chutes and Ladders

My favorite as a child. I don't know why.

2 Candyland
3 Clue
4 The Smurfs Board Game

This was giving to me by Santa at my Aunt's company Christmas party. I was whatever about it. Then one day out of boredom my Brother and some of our friends decided to play. I ended up having fun and liking the game.

5 Life
6 Stop Thief!
7 Mystery Mansion
8 Monopoly

Still play it now and again to this day.

9 Sorry
10 Operation

My family and I still play this together. I always go for the funny bone.

The Contenders
11 Risk
12 Battleship
13 Perfection
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