Best Calvin and Hobbes Strips

"Heave a rock at me" is one of the many things we can expect from what we call the greatest comic strip of all time.
The Top Ten
1 Being Miserable Builds Character!

The first panel set up one of those perfect innocent Calvin and Hobbes laugh bomb fuses.I cracked up the second I saw the second panel, nearly died because I exhaled to much air laughing at the sight of the third one, and the image of Calvin's mom doing the same basically incapacitated me for the next 20 minutes.

Calvin steals his dad's glasses and imitates him.

"Calvin, go do something you hate! Being miserable builds character! "

2 Tigers Will Do Anything for a Tuna Fish Sandwich

We're kind of stupid that way.

This was the first strip.

3 Do You Believe In Ghosts?

Calvin and Hobbes protect themselves from ghosts.

4 Calvin the Insect

Calvin makes noises compared to bugs while talking to his dad on the phone.

5 One Wish

Hobbes makes 'a bad wish' according to Calvin.

6 Math Problems

Susie gives Calvin answers to math problems.

7 Nails In the Coffee Table

Calvin hammers nails in the coffee table.

8 Snowman Xing
9 Calvin and the College Yearbook

Calvin sees his dad with a keg and a "Party Naked" t-shirt in his college yearbook.

10 Milk
The Contenders
11 Yukon Ho!
12 I Don't Eat Any Cereal That Doesn't Make the Milk Purple
13 The Season Gets Less Jolly Every Year
14 “I fold.”

No matter how acquainted with comics you are, it's hilarious to watch a six year old boy attempt to play poker with his stuffed tiger.

15 The Raccoon Story

This ones sweet

16 Transmogrifier Gun (1988)

This one is hilarious. I loved it!

17 The Dad Who Lived to Regret Being Mean to His Kid
18 Zap My Cattle Prod
19 Mr. Annoying Human Echo
20 Kazam
21 When in doubt, deny all terms and definitions

I used to own a book full of Calvin and Hobbes strips, but my mom and dad threw it away. This strip was always my favorite. Peanuts & Calvin and Hobbes & Garfield are my favorite comic strips.

22 "The Way Calvin's Brain is Wired, You Can Almost Hear the Fuses Blowing"
23 It's a Magical World
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