Top Ten Best Carl von Clausewitz Quotes

Carl von Clausewitz was a German-Prussian general & military theorist.
The Top Ten
1 ...the side that feels the lesser urge for peace will naturally get the better bargain.
2 The invention of gunpowder and the constant improvement of firearms are enough in themselves to show that the advance of civilization has done nothing practical to alter or deflect the impulse to destroy the enemy,which is central to the very idea of war.
3 Where execution is dominant, as it is in the individual events of a war whether great or small, then intellectual factors are reduced to a minimum.
4 Since in the rush of events a man is governed by feelings rather than by thought, the intellect needs to arouse the quality of courage, which then supports and sustains it in action.
5 ..often been called courage d'esprit,because it is created by the intellect.That,however,does not make it an act of the intellect:it is an act of temperament.Intelligence alone is not courage;we often see that the most intelligent people are irresolute.
6 Beauty cannot be defined by abscissas and ordinates; neither are circles and ellipses created by their geometrical formulas.
7 The mind is formed by the knowledge and the direction of ideas it receives and the guidance it is given. Great things alone can make a great mind, and petty things will make a petty mind unless a man rejects them as completely alien.
8 Looked at in this way, the role of determination is to limit the agonies of doubt and the perils of hesitation when the motives for action are inadequate.
9 With uncertainty in one scale, courage and self-confidence should be thrown into the other to correct the balance. The greater they are, the greater the margin that can be left for accidents.
10 Determination in a single instance is an expression of courage; if it becomes characteristic, a mental habit. But here we are referring not to physical courage but to courage to accept responsibility, courage in the face of a moral danger.
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